fake / 2nd facebook account

hey cf,

is a 2nd facebook account with a "fake" name allowed or in other words, will they notice it, delete/ban it?

cause i want to have a 2nd fun account with a funny name :) ofcourse nothing copyright protected or so ;)
admit it, you want a second account to ask the girl you love about her feelings to you.
just make a new one then
shit... you got me :/

but it's a lil bit different, i want a 2nd account to cheat on my current girlfriend... :P
does it fucking matter if they delete it?
matters if they would delete both, real and fake account
>implying you can't just make a new one if they delete both
>implying your life would end if they delete both
i want to cheat on my gf...

if they delete both saying fake account and linking both accounts my gf would see that i have had 2nd account to cheat on her... so YES it matters

does facebook link something like that, public?
have you ever seen something like that in public?
dont know but how should I? I am not that into the internet... only having my real friends, football friends and so on facebook... not lookin on any other profiles ...

i know that its noob question
why would u even want to cheat on ur gf?...
test her how exactly??? if i would be instead of her i would beat the shit out of him.
Whoa slow down cowboy, you are crossing the line there. Making 2nd fb-account is a serious felony.
Slarto too funny :D
SOPA will get him!
you can have as many fb accounts as you want...like they give a shit about that.
cheating on your gf via fb......................................
its the same as cheating with sms or something else... its because we shared facebook passwords... did cheat on her already and since then she reads my account ;(
oh, to chat with other girls?
ofcourse... using it via my smartphone mostly
ooooh, just change your pw?:p +chatting istn cheating :)
i dont want to chat ONLY... ;) and for my gf it IS cheating... since i did cheat on her already she is like a maddog, not trusting me anymore ;)

she would notice changing it, asking me why i did that, making it look even more suspicious for her...


but i got enough answers on here already so i will just make a 2nd account ;)
ok lol :p juist brake p with her then ;/ :p
nah it's hard... ;(
You are willing to cheat, but to much of a pussy to break up? Did your balls even drop yet?
wish i could like your comment
The funny part is, he doesnt even dare to respond. Would just be fun to actually find out what his name was, and then send this journal to his gf.
haha would be awesome
if i would be ur gf, i would have stabbed u in the back and throw u out of the window.
im a nice guy in rl :) not this complere retard i act like online games :D
bad troll
not trolling
I got no words for this...
indeed, seems astonishing to such a retarded degree to me. and not only the question, but the plan behind it -.-

OT: yes they DO delete fake/double accounts at times and no they won't tell everyone you know afterwards why it was deleted...

PS: apparently she's right about being suspicious about you cheating on her afterall... and you're wondering ?
i am not wondering... you do not have to understand my situation...
Quotesince i did cheat on her already she is like a maddog, not trusting me anymore ;)
Just meant this one...

and tbh, i DO understand your "situation" though i don't share any sympathy for it.
if you'd truely love her you'd a) at least talk to her about it b) if you'd think that that would hurt her too much and/or she'd leave you you could just try to stand it or c) just get a prostitute -.-
Why don't you just break up with her if you're going to cheat? or do you still love this woman?
being 6 years together since school, haven't had anyone else in bed till i 1st cheated on her last year.... and she hasnt had any other men too so i think it's allowed, its hard after such a long relationship and if youre young, havent tasted/tried anything else than one person
In what freaking would it be allowed to cheat on your girlfriend? Try to spice up your sex life instead, or just dump her.
Quotei want to cheat on my gf...

Quotedid cheat on her already

seems like ur better of single and have one night stands. i don't get it why would u even have a girlfriend if you are PLANNING on cheating her? And making a fake facebook account to do so, i mean seriously? are u 13 years old or do u just have a chromosome extra?

Making a FAKE id , even through facebook, is in some countries breaking the law. in Morroco for example you can get up to 3 years prison time for fake ID, yes even via facebook. In most EU countries it will prolly just be a money fee, a Belgian woman got a fee of 550 euros for making a fake facebook ID.
apparently it's ALLOWED to enter fake data even in emails... seen that on tv already numerous times... nobody care's anyway

I do not need to explain WHY i wanna do it... I still love my girlfriend, we are together since YEARS, since school.... and no i am not 13 anymore but i doubt you've had a longer relationship (6 years?), getting 23 years soon, girlfriend is 24 we are together since schoool, i know its shit to cheat but day will come you just want to chat someone else, want to meet someone else....

for me sex with others is no love thingy... not loving those... it's just for fun... and i dont want to do it often, just every once in a while....

i already talked with my gf about that, i even would allow her to have sex with someone else.... i mean she has not had any other men yet (as far as i know)...

i am not looking after her... she is not in prison or so and i dont want to be in prison too...
kk just give me your gf's phone number then
So by your logic, those that have been in a relationship for atleast 6 years should go cheat on each other because they most likely haven't had any others except for each other? Dont think you know what "relationship" means then, or you missed the concept.
You really are fucking retarded. If u'd love her you would never allow her to screw another guy. You're in a relationship only because it's something to fallback on, not because you love her. You only love the idea that you have girl. Because I think no fucking girl wants to live with a cheating dickhead like you. I woud like to know how many times you'll divorse while living like a rockstar. Keep on going! You'll screw up and at the end you'll know that this way of life will not bring you any happiness at all.
Oh and yes, ur gf is too good for you. If I'd knew your name it would definitely share this topic with her. Just because to fuck you over man!
Crossfire - relationaships help community.
Biggest idiot of 2012 goes too.......
i got 3 facebook accounts sup ? XD???
die in your sleep you spineless fuck
done that wasnt a good idea...had a lot of problems after that :(
at least one that understands my situation :D:D

First: your girlfriend is too dumb to still be with an idiot like u... Second: ur a jerk! and being together for years doesnt mean u dont need to respect your girlfriend... and a relationship is about trust, friendship and respect! and obviously theres nothing of that on your relationship... ur just a kid with hormones all fucked up.. u should thought about all the shit u want before u get involved in a relationship!

Retard... just go back to your cave and stop wasting your gf's time!
What's ur name? I want to share this topic with ur gf :)
make sure to block her on the second account ^_^
No you cant, Facebook will lock it and only unlock if you send in ID papers.
A friend of mine had this just because he shortened his last name. (like if he was called VandeBorre, he'd put VDB)

it was unlegit and they locked it...
yeah they actually seem to have some plans for facebook and other social media - wanting to reduce the anonymity of internet users by interconnecting services. Eventually all commenting might be done via your real profile on some social media and thus real name is required for this kind of system to work.
Why do they put share via FB on porn =(

There's already loads of sites with FB integration. I see a two tiered web - the top with the likes of apple / facebook / corporations locking you onto certain platforms with certain restrctions & monetizing. This'll mainly be done through mobile devices & touchscreens. Platforms such as iTunes & netflix delivering you content with the media sites developing all inclusive apps. Can you imagine the power the murdoch empire could have on an all in one delivering their content? You'll then have the free web underneath (which'll revert back to the web of our childhood, taketh away the idiots & just the geeks). IRC, blogs, forums etc
6 years you say? Since childhood? Hmmmmmmmmm

Nellie Holmes for the rescue.
:D :D nice one
Busted, well done.
dumb her and stop being a pussy about it. only logical thing to do.
seeing you can't admit anything even at internet while hiding behind a nickname, you probably won't have the guts to break up with her and you'll just end up hurting her bad. have fun feeling regrets of that.
I had to login to declare the huge amount of trollage I recieved from this journal.
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