Windows not starting anymore ;((((

Yo Folks, my Laptop doesnt want to start anymore, everytime ist automatically does the startaid but without success...Even if i interrupt it it doesnt work anymore... And Even if i chose Start Windows normally it starts the fucking startaid...Windows 7 btw. What to do? Any ideas? :((
go to the setup screen when u just put on the laptop, format to a month ago or smtn, et voila
@systemrecovery ? Because it doesnt seem to work at all
yeh, worked for me :x
Even if i press recovery Start aid gets started
Hmm, I dnno then, soz mate :9
Hm too bad thx anyway
Check your documentation. There should be a short-cut during boot which gives you the manufacturer's restore utility.
if its under warranty consider submitting a ticket with the manufacturer, relatively more physical faults with laptops hdd's in general, in which case its likely to die again if you do repair it

otherwise if a software restore doesnt work and its outside of warranty you could take the hdd out and get the data back via a desktop, i would recommend using testdisk by cg security for this but you know, use what you like
-enter BIOS of laptop
-check IDE SETTINGS (hard disk drive-hdd- settings)
-if u have other settings regarding hdd post it we will sort it out

dude post a hot chick for our 2cents
we live happy that way
first comment running ubuntu ;D
new or old one?
11.10 i think. just tried it out. back to windows atm
i like the 10.04 more

atm im runing win xp for daily use n gaming
windows 7 for bf3
and ubuntu if anything goes wrong
Reinstall windows?
It's really easy just follow this:
1. Get Windows CD
2. Enter BIOS Change 1st boot device to CD, and 2nd boot device to your HDD
3. Reinstall.

Simple :)
Any errors comes with that?
If so let me know.
Else its could be couple of things:
- Hard disk problem , like bad sectors
- Virus
- Damaged files
Since there is no error,I / You can't focus on one problem,so you will have to try solving all of thins problems in couple of hits,don't give up.
How to?
Download Hiren's boot cd , .
Burn the img , boot it up.
Now you can , backup you'r files,then run antivirus scans and check you'r disk for bad sectors and fix em .
Use you'r windows cd / hiren's mini xp , try recovery options which comes with the windows cd , it will fix damaged files that may disturbing windows from runing.
Good luck.
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