Project Blackout Free FPS

A nice FPS it has some features that would be great if used in et, still lacking in maps but its recent!

Who's playing, there must be sum1 out there playing it for sure!
thought it was Anonymous related
haha, should have mencioned smth more specific xD
such games usually fave poor hit detection due to shit gamecode
it has a fast growing community actually, i'm just looking for sum1 from here that also play this
omg kln, how are you? Not played with you since 2005? We was in some teams together :D, remember Promo.Gaming?:)


image: l_faithircloekino
hey danjee, great time we spent dude.I can see loekino and aRTo in that printscreen hahah long time mates.
Can't believe it was 7 years ago already hahaha! Are u still playing et?
Ha I know :D, it's a very long time indeed. Unfortunately not actively, I quit in 2006 when I was in International Killers (with reshep, hakkz, Mav etc..). I just disapeared as I couldn't face saying goodbye, and I knew if I visited again I would have to play ET again.

I got a GF 3 months after that, and spent it with friends after I quit ET.

I played for a small while in 2010 with a few mates (ethr etc..), but nothing too serious.

Just play NBS public now and then, nothing else.

How about you:)

Promo-iDan :D
damn... how can i resume my history in et...

i played untill 06 actively, than after that i spent most of my time in party, and hanging out, some trip's across europe.
I met loekino twice, when i was travelling.

I've been in the army in 2009 (special ops) to do the recruit, i left then to study multimedia

I tried to play once or twice in 2010, but my computer i dunno why but always crashed, so about last year i got a new pc, and played like 3 hours of et, but i was like...damn the community i knew it's gone (i thought) , specially in my country there wasnt any pt server online, when back in the days we had +7 decent ones always active

I started to play many other games now, but i still argue with my friends saying ET was the best game i ever played.

But i love the fact that i can still find ppl that played with me sooner or later!!.
looks like CS
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