Death animations, yes or no?

Thats right. I was talking with United Kingdom Artstar about fragmovie death animations implemented by image-et 0.8.4 and as he said:

[ 09:07:27 ] [ Artstar ] why have such mindblowing quality and colours when something so simple as death animations can put people off during a movie

[ 09:08:38 ] [ Artstar ] getting shot by mp40 or exploded by grenade and falling over like someone told you your wife is pregnant

I kinda like them, i am wondering if i am the only one or people really hate them? Think about the possibility of some stylish cameras using new animations n stuff.

Shall moviemakers use the death animations?
Yes OR No

- For me i think it's still worth to use them, doesn't bother me usually (unless it looks REALLY bad..)
sometimes it looks good, sometimes it looks to unrealistic
Yes, agree. But overall, use or not? For me i think it's still worth, doesn't bother me usually (unless it looks REALLY bad..)
use it for some scenes, not all the time
It depends on moviemaker, not on us...
[ 09:08:02 ] [ Artstar ] every movie that uses it gets flamed

:D pleasing the community is a must tbh. Why use then if 90% complain? :|
Imho moviemaker=director, don't listen to anyone and do it by yourself. If you like it, do it. Simple :P.

I saw many movies using death animation wrongly and many movies using it correctly. It really depends how moviemaker works with it. The problem why movies with different death animation are getting flamed is because moviemakers use it just because it looks different and stylish but don't really give it any other purpose than that. They just throw those animations in, correct colours, few cool slowmo and done... uberartisticmegamovie which always sux donkey balls. But for example Nonix and his Overclocked... there he used those animations very well (especially at the very end), it gave somehow cinematic feeling in the movie and that is a big plus. Unfortunatly most of moviemakers nowdays just don't know how to use it.
So... if you like it and know why you like it go ahead, use it. Look at Nonix or filuS... they used that animation and didn't get any flame on their movies. GL

PS: Sorry for my engrish. I'm almost dead now, dunno why I even went here and replied long ass comment...
thanks for the input. I enjoyed them at nonix and filus movies too, looked good!
No, they're as annoying as fuck :|
The problem: the more fancy the animation the more obvious it gets that it is the same animation all the time which makes it so irritating. With the default you don't even realise it's there.
best answer, youre completely right tbh!
It fits in few kinda deaths, ie. one shot in the stomach, but that's it. Also, it messes up the gibbing-thingie...

EDIT: Also, what's up with the non-community-community-movie? No, we haven't forgotten it ;)
+1 on gib, that's the annoying thing.
is it possible to use them just in a couple of moments in the movie?
well yes, by recording some actions using image-et 0.7.0 and some others using 0.8.4, although the 0.8.4 version have some features that weren't implemented at 0.7.0 such as death animations/popup filter(own frags)
as people said above me, you can use it sometimes, but most people don't like them
WHERE THE COMMUNITY MOVIE ?????????????????????????
Answer for you and Thomm: being produced, don't worry, it will come out eventually :)
Eventually or Ruipperi-eventually?
eventually-Ruipperi-eventually :|
Don't use it please
only good for the odd frag here and there - I generally dislike it myself as it comes unrealistically - killed mid air / mid air animation etc. an for such a details animation to be used so often is off putting.
i dont care ??
artstar is right

i hate them.
No, please no. I don't like it. I'm not using the newest et-image because of that, so I need to work with photoshop andso on.. :( Please remove! :D Maybe movies will come out faster

E: Should be a function to enable and disable it, if possible. So everyone who wants to use it, can enable it.
Well, you don't need photoshop to get your own popups. Media Manager 3 can do the job :)

And it won't happen, madscientist will never update image-et.
It doesn't need that much time to do it :S And I still don't know how to use Media Manager for Popups :D
Well, first he is not around anymore, busy with real life n stuff i guess. Second he doesn't have the image-et source code and he won't be bother to disassemble image-et to update.

image: F5T9r

you can also select to remove the Messages and all that etpro specific stuff!
So it also filters me only the frags from the frag? Like 3 man frag, only these 3 popups then?
It is fairly hit and miss sometimes (well for me), I use that and it removes some things but not others. Usually have to re-scan the cut demo and run the "remove pov popups" again.
poh, no idea, i dont use this feature.. i just know it's possible...
Yeah its pretty buggy :( I think i'll just use condump + after affects from now on.
also have problem with it ;/ so to make popups Irecord 2 footages, 1 w/o hud and 1 with green screen and with hud and then I can blend them together with chromakeyer >:D
Proning > planting a dyno > Getting 3 headshots > HEY LET'S STAND UP AND PUT MY HAND ON MY STOMACH, damn hungry as a horse!

so use them if the random animation fits into the random scene. Else no thx!
aahaha :D thats a hilarious one idd
You forgot the backrape, also nice :P
Am I the ONLY one that prefers movie that are edited like: Shewie & Ganon, the second level, Mamarosa's Revenge, a Casual movie, eSrael or Dignitas ET exposed?

They look and FEEL so much better than 99% of modern fragmovies
nope, i always thought i was the only one :P. team-based old movies ftw
u not alone
Depends on the animations, if realistic enough for the situation on which the player got killed then yes, UNLESS that animation takes a long time, I've seen some where it takes like 2 seconds for the guy to fall down and that's the only thing I hate about it, they should be fast but slow enough to appear credible and not always the same over and over again.
remove them
no, would be cool with rag-doll alike animation though :I
prefer the regular death animation
Maybe provide an example, since I don't have a single clue how it would look like. Doubt i'm the only one.
a quite decent usage of death animations have been in overclocked by nonix imo..
It would seem the community has spoken, they suck
its the worst shit I have ever seen in ET movies, I couldnt finish watching some movies few times, just because this disgusting shit was in :(
dont hate it but dont like it either. so no from me.
looks bad, just like custom fonts :C
Default animation is better in a lot of ways (especially for un-gibbed bodies). Like madscientist always said the animation was buggy/not finished anyway.

If someone was to ever modify it or release a new version of image it'd be better to have an on/off option (as mentioned above) and have a variety of death animations based on the death type e.g.

- Directional knock/bounce + fall for un-gibbed grenade deaths
- Shake fall on back for smg deaths
- Hold stomach, fall on knees to side to back for knife deaths

Stuff like that, I think Q3/QL has multiple death animations.
show me some of your newer stuff man :)
Quoteno, would be cool with rag-doll alike animation though :I
if you'd somehow manage to implement some sort of ragdoll (yea i know it'd be nearly impossible afterwards, since the hitboxes are barely refined, but maybe give it a shot indeed :)

could maybe filter where the shot (more or less) hit by view? or would it be possible to implement 'new hitboxes' for etpro demos inside a mod to replace those and put new animations in it? (well sure anymations, check - but also (altered) eventtriggering?)
just don't mess with where the body goes, would kinda make gibbing into nothing look ridiculous
[ 09:08:38 ] [ Artstar ] getting shot by mp40 or exploded by grenade and falling over like someone told you your wife is pregnant

fully agree, gg starm8
its a game , 3 bullets in a head and still alive is unrealistic too
yeah... dont use them unless.
yes on cam only ( if its not ridiculous )

u u still didnt even start to record? xDDDD
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