if you see sth, film sth.

thats's fucking unbeleavable!
that's just sick
ab minute 3:10 war ich so auf 180 dass ich mir jetzt ein ACAB tattoo stechen lasse !!!!!
haha :D ich würde am liebsten da mal mitner pump durch rennen und einfach mal auf koks durchdrehen wenn ich sowas sehe
da sagst du was.. krasse scheiße ^^
well when u look at the vid it really looks bad, but then again they're all criminals who deserved it
who deserved it ? what? why should the guy laying on the ground deserve a broken leg? or the guy falling out of the car, hes not moving, getting owned by 4+ guys?
what if that guy just brutally murdered 5 people, wouldn't u beat the shit out out him in that situation? I know I would.

who knows what 90% of those guys did. we're reading about horrible and shocking crimes on the tv / inet everyday. would I beat a guy for pick pocketing? ofc not. would I beat a guy for brutally beating someone else, stabbing or raping somebody?? you bet. I believe a big number of people in the vid are criminals just like that, who deserved the brutal beating.
They are not allowed to have personal emotions overtake and act to their emotions, Anders Breivik, the guy who shot 80 people here in Norway in this summer, how mad do you think those police people were? Did they beat up Anders, no they did not. Because they are supposed to be proff's and handle every situation cool.
in that situation being a professional is a bad thing
so you know back story of every video what was filmed there?
well... do you?
there was no excuse for the van crash and then the highway beat-down by those fucking pigs
i didn't even watch the video to be honest
are you retarded?
this makes me think that you're the retarded one
took u 2 attempts to reply? u seem to care a lot
2 attempts, what?
the governments love your ignorance
no way they deserve such torture when they are allready handcuffed. Sure they are criminals but thats where jails are for right?
doing this makes you a criminal.
bad troll is bad but you sir are just a retard.
u can fuck off
Every weekend at the football, every protest, from minor anti-war to occupy & every night out. We all see it. Just once I want to see a copper have the courage to arrest one of his peers there & then for using excessive force / assault. I've never known it - which says it all.

That's very different... Drink driving & most likely in civilian clothes. I'm talking your partners clearly gone over the top with a suspect like in these videos. Surely arrest worthy?
asiatikman :    suis que bi lol et grave envie de sucer une bonne keu heheheheh
its really retarded that not only can they beat up guys who are already handcuffed, but they can shoot people with the least reason and little consequence.

One example is sometime last summer, a cop killed a black man who was laying on a bench in the park at night because the cop "thought he saw a gun". There was no gun found, only a cell phone.

Second example is cops get called in to a house where an autistic child is having a tantrum. They send like 4 or 5 cops in for a 14 year old disabled kid, then when the kid protests that they are there and takes a butterknife the cops shoot him repeatedly. Just beyond belief how much cops can get away with.
thats 2 cases out of how many cases a day where a cop gets stabbed or shot or assaulted that you never hear about though?

you're made to hate cops cos they have a position of authority and people hate that. theyre in the spotlight for everything they do, and id love to see your country and the shit that would go on if they werent out there risking their lives daily to protect you... if you get assaulted, or your house gets broken into or one of your family gets robbed, what would you do? call 911 or go get justice for yourself?

cops arent perfect, but think what your life would be like without them...
how is the demand for a policing force in a nation relevant to officers clearly stepping out of line and going way too far?
i agree totally, they were massively out of line, and they now live in an age where EVERYTHING is recorded. this was happening throughout history, its just now that it can be recorded and shown to the masses....

what my point is, youll get bad people, bad cops, bad priests, bad children, bad old people.....theyre not the norm, theyre the abnormalities in any walk of life youll ALWAYS sadly encounter.

Cops are in the job as theyre meant to stand up for justice,i agree, but this sort of video doesnt show both sides, just one. put yourself in a cops position if hes just watched a guy gun dow na kid or murder a friend in cold blood, he pulls the guy out and beats him unconscious, the guy survives and stands trial.... the cop doesnt kill him. Human nature dictates anger is in everyone, its just the level you can control it at before it becomes murder or serious harm at an action thats instilled this emotion in someone. cops are still human mate.... and still have emotions.
They shouldn't become cops if they can't control their emotions, there's a justice system for a reason. Cops are there to track down criminals and we have judges to give them their punishments, there's a reason these tasks are split.
Now we all imagine a world without police....

There might be some police guys who overreacted in some cases but still without them it would be worse and generally they are doing a good thing, at least thats how I feel about it here in Germany.
HAHAHAHA :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD You are really braindead or wut? Seems so...
educated reply is educated
nigga plz, how often did u get HELP by the police. the only thing they do is annoy u

if ur in trouble, they wont help anyway, they only come when its too late
Just by the presence of something thats called police theres less crime.

Now I want you to imagine to be a police officer, you have to get in contact with subhuman scum everyday, I bet one day you would loose it too.. They are just humans after all and humans make mistakes.
United States of America USA = Real global terrorists
Sorry, I stopped watching this. It answered my question why people shoot cops instantly. Its ok now.

haha, lächerlich

idiots :_D
pff keine ahnung, was ihr alle habt, wenn man sich beguckt, dass iwelche asis ohne grund leute zusammen treten, sei es ubahn schläger oder auch so tolle türken/russen ganks, die man am wochenende trifft, wenn man alleine durch die stadt geht, oder auch nazi banden...die polizei kann einfach nichts dagegen machen, da sie nicht machen dürfen. die werden doch direkt angezeigt, wenn sie jemanden anpacken. ich finds gut, wenn der polizei mal wieder erlaubt wird, die stöcke einzusetzen, ohne direkt ihren job zu verlieren...

ich hab mir das video jetzt nciht angeguckt, aber die ganzen kommentare von wegen, polizei hurensöhne etc gehen mir richtig aufn sack!
usa fuck yeah
America is the sickkest place evah...the shittiest place i ever seen in my life.
they're cops, they take much shit and they mentality is under heavy pressure daily
we cant know what has happened before these incidents, what the suspects have done, etc (fe. losing a fellow officer may launch aggressive reactions)
most of the abused people on the vid were blacks, prooves that coloured people are to be treated different from white folks since they are more likely to break the law
the vids were only from america, american people are naturally less talented than most people from OECD-countries + they watch too much telly and take the shit too seriously -> they make this kinda things | bottom line being "only in america"
ive got to agree.

you can only see one side of these video's. the bystanders. every one of them is taken completely out of context. think again on the video that the car crashes, the guy rolls out the car and the 4 or 5 cops start beating on the unconscious guy...now how can you tell what he did previously? did he shoot his family, kids? murder a little girl? rape an old lady then kill her? did he have a car full of drugs and guns?

all you see is the end result and you judge the whole thing from the last piece you see, not what led up to that event. Videos like this play on your shock factor, but what is shocking is the belief of so many people that police worldwide do such a shit job....without them, you'd be fucked.
Even if the guy is a total moron, civilized countries use justice instead of violence.
imo officers should no matter what happened be obliged to keep themselves under control. yes they are not to take everything, they are able to defend themselves or act preventing. but beating or violating someone who is defenseless is out of question not a thing to be tolerated.

didn't watch the vid, but according to comments - it's probably being a majority of "blacks" in the vid(s) because they either simply like to focus on those as the audience like to hate on a certain group of people or the whites not comming as spectacular crimes. who knows
Even if he did murder a little girl or any of the others, they are still not allowed to beat your ass up.
If I was in the force and found a guy who murdered a little girl. I would take every inch of frustration out on him.

Disgusting that cops beat the shit outta people who are getting mouthy or whatever. But murderes don't deserve the ground they stand on, let alone human rights.
Then you shouldn't become a cop, but a bounty hunter :D
And that is exactly why you should not be 'in the force'.
Never said I was in the force. But if you are defending the rights of murderers. You are retarded.
I never said you were in the force, either. If you're dismissing the human rights then I'm afraid it's you who's the "retard" here.
Why would you give someone who takes a life off of someone the rights to be a human?

They will never change, you can say what you want but that is the scum of the earth.
Yeah bro, kill em all!!
what if it was your kid that got raped or murdered, could you honestly say you could control your anger? i know its hypothetical, but i know i couldnt....
No, but I am quite sure they wouldn't allow such person to handle the case.
my point exactly mate, my point exactly
These are policemans in america. Mentaly retarded, they got the right to beat you up, to use their gun, etc. Well.. this is America, we all know how it works there. Shit country.

But can you imagine what they do outside their country, where there is no journalists, where the army censor everything?
on a serious note police brutality exists and nobody can denie it.not only in america ,and that since the oldest and darkest times of this country but also in europe or asia,not to mention africa,where we all know the political dictature used police to do massive killings among ppl fighting against it.well in the states is about almost everything:from drugs till racism or just simply showing off.i must also admit there are also good things among the force and that they are simply confronted every day with much evil,but in fact is just the sick system that got so many killed.

on a funny note:why i dont see goku beaten up by a police,as never?

oo wait,goku though only on internet.
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