
banned for 2 years, well, 7 months left to go.
also loses all victories between Tour 2010 and now.

Still no journal about it :o
dont post in here.
Who? Tzac-shots or why ban?
is this a gay cycler? if yes i dont care at all cause EVERYone is cheating there and this sport is boring as fuck...
Adrenaline sucks...
expected, fuckin cheater
that was less than Milligram.
perhaps, but he was obvious
he was the best so that's normal he was obvious, and he took the "drugz" between Tour de France
Why would that matter?
That could be from food, or even, that won't matter to his skill..
First of all, it´s extremely rare in western europe, or europe in general. Secondly, trace of doping could be a cause of other ways of doping, e.g. EPO. Thirdly, it´s not like this is a case solved and settled by Donald Duck, it even got up to high court I believe, tell me if I am wrong.

Also, I noticed you wrote that he took the drugs between TdF, I don´t know what you mean by that, but if you mean that he took it before or something, that´s the way you would use doping systematically, in training etc.
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