ET: Zombie Mod #2

Worked on some of the code, removed most of the useless stuff for this mod.

Moved hud around
improved sound
general things changed like prone delay
weapon spread
shooting whilst leaning (need leaning animation)
pushback changed
chat limitations removed (moved this also)
Flags changed
Fireteams removed
Command map changed (adapting as I go along)
reload time on some weapons changed
Thirdperson mode works now (still working out angles, once again)
Crosshairs changed (dot still available)
Mines changed
Weapon trajectory changed
No stamina / sprint as unlimited for a reason
physiscs altered for a different experieince
game menu & console changed/improved.

- need to move onto the models, textures and maps soon. I will update most of the code, then if someone wants bots they can port it to NoQuarter.

Really need people with experience in editing the animations of the models including the head model.

The game may not look much from the screenshot below, but the physics and sounds make it a completely different feeling. Take no notice to the 'game feeling' from an image.

Not much can be seen here, but it's working and things are doing what they're meant to.


Looks shit in that image :D
image: l_shot0012
should keep all the hitboxes and weaponspread same as etpro tbh
I'll look into it, but how do I manage to get the hitboxes from ETpro?:D... can easily modify them, but getting them exactly as ETpro would be difficult for me (unless they were given ofc).

Weapon spread has changed for 1 reason, and that being the maps will be open & require a lot more distance shooting. Even server side enabled zoom in (a small amount) and shooting, crosshair remains, same as leaning. Ripped the binoc code & altered it a bit :P. Really weird as it switches you into 3rd person (although you can't see as you're zoomed in (and remove hud etc..), but was the only way I could work out to do it :D.

I'm no pro at coding don't forget, I'm only a wannabe editor :). I've edited and fixed most of the bugs in ET, including server abuse (flooding etc..).

I do however take the inboxes and such and change things. SO people inbox me with suggestions!
Well what you've done so far is pretty impressive, so don't doubt yourself :p

But I'm suggesting the Etpro things because I know alot of people who don't want to play certain modes because they are worried about it hindering with their Etpro aim (different hitboxes etc), that's why if you can implement the Etpro hitboxes etc, it would possibly attract a lot more attention and popularity

But if it's too hard then I wouldn't really worry about it
I understand the hitboxes as I do agree. I was playing on a non-etpro server and had the same thoughts. I do however love the Jaymod and NoQuarter hitboxes, they're a lot more acurate than etpro, and headshot heaven (which is good for a mod like this). I will obviously look into this, but I shall try.
jaymod and nq are far way better than etpro hitboxes since etpro is old with no updates.
zombies walk faster than humans !
Done :), they're actually quite erm.. vicious lol. Much more health and different attacks.

I am working on some physic changes, which would include moving objects (like boxes) to block doors, but these would HAVE TO BE destructible.
btw, how will arty's,nades,panzers,rnades,strikes,flamethrower etc be ?
All depends, what would you like to see?
For now I've increased the range of flamethrower and cooldown of MG42. Mortar is completely removed. I aim to bring different classes, such as SNIPER, MEDIC & POWER. Each have their own perks, as you can see it explains itself.

I have also changed the running speed of each item. Running with the flamethrower now is the same as an SMG. Charge time can be changed serverside for panzer and such.

Oh and mines do ALOT more damage and the area in which they're tripped is small.
can you explain the gameplay a bit ?

i think thats the most important like ; what is the objective? how do the zombies look?
How do you kill them and how they kill you?

Also end boss zombie?

I actually like the cod4 BTD zombie mod. Was animated real bad but fun
Well that can depend on what the community wants. I was thinking overpowered zomie on axis side, allied have to defend and protect themselves and have 3 lives. Randomly take it in turns to be zombie(s), will be changing the original 6 maps also.

My aim is to get atleast 1 map zombie modded (most likely goldrush), add some weather affects & such, hidden places, movable objects, switches etc..

I had a lot of fun on CSS zombie (horde), I think something in the region of that would be good.

I have no idea on a game mode, but zombies are quite limited.

After a small time I will add rewards in the game, such as faster reloading for more kills, more ammo... unlimited ammo patches, 30 second boosts etc...

Anything you got in mind?
killingfloor is also good zombie game, make you can take some inspiration from it.
I hope you added the Shotgun that is available on some pub servers, also a changed knife (different skin maybe an axe?, 1 hit = kill) would be nice..
I may do so, just need the animation & model, I wasn't planning on doing these myself. I am hoping that someone comes forward, or it'll be a stolen object from a free model website :D.

I've been looking for sounds, which is hard to find a decent matching one.

Looking at adding breathing sounds, which will give away location etc...
:O nice haha
It would be really cool if it'll be like team demanding game, not solo game when a single medic can win whole match. But guess it's pretty hard to balance classes. GL with the mod looks really awesome!
That's my goal, I'm just laying down a foundation at the moment. I will get the game stable and everything sorted (weapon, server and UI side) and test it with a few people. I have already been given a server by NBS for testing and hosting, so all is good there.

I am redesigning the classes, they will be based on healing, power(high damage weapons) and maybe sniper or defence class. You can't just run into this game and play as a medic and hide, the mp40 does little damage to the zombies :D.

A lot of stuff has been removed, just looking at getting hitsounds working now.
freezetag pls
Remove the stupid face!
Would it have bot controlled zombies? Though I guess that might get a bit complicated. I've always liked the L4D campaign style of completing objectives while getting mobbed by zombies. Though L4D versus is also good playing as zombies & sneaking up on humans. Anyway nice idea & gl with it. :)
The AI is a bit too difficult for me yes, however there's NoQuarter which is open sourced as far as I know. The bot code in that is impressive and some people have updated it to quite skilled. Anyone with a bit of NoQuarter knowledge can port my code over to NoQuarter - apply the skins & sounds = bots on the mod. Would need to script the new maps though, all of the default 6 maps will be different.

Looking for help on various things, my main aspect atm is trying to get it to feel completely different. I've managed to change most of the physics and such, want it fast paced as much as ET will allow anyway.

Working on the strafing engine atm. A very annoying bug with RTCW and ETMAIN was the pullback on jumping, I've fixed this problem and it's made it feel like a different game :D.

I've only got a early version of the physics changes...

Small sample of surface detection changes (may not see much in video but ingame makes a big difference), pace is kept if done correct (even on flat surfaces).

Note: I'm shite at TJ/strafing :D.
QuoteNote: I'm shite at TJ/strafing :D.

Let me try this!
Will get server up today (hopefully). NBS are sponsoring this.

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