Documentaries v81


Lately I've been watching a lot of documentaries and I was wondering if there are any gems out there that I should watch. I don't enjoy watching documentaries about actual topics such as all the revolutions nowadays or for example about the tsunami's, the topics I like the most are history and cosmology.

I've been watching this alot lately :

Puma Pumku
i only like gang documentaries
Aryan Brotherhood !!!!!!!
Through the Wormhole pretty awesome documentary!
Also check Ancient Aliens!
i've been watching ancient aliens as well, also a very good show!
Putin, Russia & the West. How they've got so many top level officials to speak so honestly I don't know but it's brilliant. Covers pretty much everything from inteference in eastern Europe, relations with America, the spygate saga with the UK, 9/11 & Cechnya etc. The BBC at its best.

I'm also enjoying a BBC documentary series on the Crusades (still on the iPlayer).
Bullets, Boots & Bandages is interesting too. Again a BBC series. It's around war but not focussed on the fighting but how modern medicine / logistics & the advancement of these has changed the nature of war (tinned goods leading to the end of seasonal campaigning) etc.
I'll try those, they sound interesting, thanks!
Watch "the King of Kong"

Its actually a really nice documentary about two people fighting for the world record of King Kong (Its alot better then it sounds trust me)

*Even tho it has nothing to do with cosmology
reminds me a starcraft 2 competition where marineking was in final hehe
BBC Earth
Watch BBC's Planet Earth series, in HD if possible.

Also, this site has loads of nice documentaries
The King of Kong
More than a game
any Michael Moore I guess
Planet Earth
Columbine Massacre documentary
9/11 documentary
Tank man about the Tiananmen Square is pretty impressive
Wonders of the solar system
Wonders of the universe

Great documentary if you're in any way interested in astronomy.
QuoteBrian Cox

I hate that guy :/
Didn't bother me..

It's not this guy, if you're thinking about him.
Nah its the correct dude. Every single documentary he's in he explains stuff like his viewers are 5 years old... I mean we are dumb but not to the point you need the image of slices of bread to understand the concept of multiple universes.
Yeah agree. They could've deffinetly gotten a better presenter, but I still think it's a fascinating documentary if you can set aside the presenter.
watch apocalypse series of WW2, awesome!
discovery science has some nice about creation of world and about the universe
King of kong
Cave of forgotten dreams
man on wire
grizzly man

will update more
Got Through the Wormhole on DVD, narratives by Morgan Freeman made me buy it instantly!
You mean narrations by Morgan Freeman. Narratives by Morgan Freeman would mean that he actually wrote the documentary.
alright alright calm down :o
that shit was on discovery once at 3 o clock in the morning, i was high as fuck (came back from going out). and omg that was the best trip i ever had :D, his awesome voice paired with the big universe and shit. just fucking epic
through the arsehole is decent
Virgin one, or used one?!
Depends if you care about squelch noises or not
just writing so i can check in later and check some tips
Roger that.
Food Inc. is definitely worth watching.
Also "The world according to Monsanto"
Ok, they are rather current, but very eye-opening!
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