policy with cheaters

well, there are loads of cheaters busted by tzac. I'm wondering what will happen to them and there clans.

for example this guy: filter (just a random polak)

caught cheater

he played a few matches in ESL.

Furia kicked them out of the clan, but will they lose the played matches because of playing with a cheater while they diddent know he was cheating?

image: emilia-clarke
Matches are only forfeited if someone was busted for cheating in that match.
how would you know?
The problem is that somehow you have to prove that he (or any of the others involved) cheated in official match. I dont know if TZAC provides all necessary info to determine when exactly (or how often) was hax used, it could be random irc match, pub or even just watching ettv. I think CB has different measures when it comes to banning people for hax (cheating on pub = 3 months, cheating in offi = 1 year or smth, or at least it was like that), dunno about ESL.
thats like what the "match"-feature of tzac is for i assume? to match the time of cheating to an official match played at a certain time?!

but i guess ESL only uses wire not tzac?(dunno) so no clue on that
you only need exact time or time range of him/her cheating, then you can see in screenshots where he was playing at given time (or at least can determine whether it was offi or not). I dont think that match id feature was forced by any league tho, but I might be wrong (I am not active, so dunno, but I am sure ESL does not use it).
i only know that CB use it (quite sure about it) though i'm also far from active, didn't play for far more than a year, going for two... maybe it's two already, dunno
If he played a match in ESL -> 2 years ban
EDIT: Team may be excluded from ESL
But, i didn't checked links, etc, etc.yet, but we will take care of all the ppl on the list :)
yes but how do you know :). chaply is not going to check every cheater if he used cheats in his official match ;)
no. but we will
can you see the time and date from the busted guys? thought only chaply could see that. anyway gl with checking every cheater!
Yes, we can.
He didn't cheat in any ESL match.
ok :) thanks for checking !
don't take randoms in your clan, easy as that
so cf account 2y+?!
and tzac id lower then 5k
well, i think it is ok if tzacid is older than 300 days, but all the 100-day-accounts nowadays make me lol a bit if they can rape the ass out of you and you never saw them before
matches against ppl with 50k tzac ids just priceless
i got tzac id 10k+, because of this mess linked with end of beta/change of name[dunno nou]... i had to activate my account once more, and i simply forgot what mail i used to register... :S
im not the one u should cry to.. i just simply dont care.. every1 have to pay for their mistakes
im just stating that judging ppl because of tzac id is plain stupid
my tzac account is almost 40k lo
which of yours? the sqzz? the mAus? the first one?
i see now that like 50% of matches i played (3on3 mostly) are vs someone inside that list :D
cheaters like u, u should be banned for playing against cheaters.

tooooooo bad !!! :DDDD
160 or 170 bans hahha ROLFCOPTER
Clan shouldnt be punished for stupidity of a random member. When you are home you just cant be responsible for behaviour of a teammate across Europe, or control if she/he cheats in random mixes or on pubs.
ye indddddddddd make up more retarded rules wat
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