cum back?

So once this game is clean as crystal water, another pro player (me) will make a comeback, as soon as i get my new laptop ofcourse
I will also start playing DotA2 with my fellow soldiers: Estoniamant Estoniax3nja EstoniaJyrkZ Estoniasubbi
If i get raped too much in ET, i might just stick to DotA, because it requires minimal aiming and maximum brain - my kind of thing you know.

Maybe i wil get old school player EstoniamAnki also back in to game, because we are good friends and pro players and i am sure he wants to own you.

I would also like to greet chaplja for making my comeback so easy. I was suprised about lot of busts like: Germanycrush3r and Netherlandsaphesia, i wasnt surpised about all the Poland players because it was obvious as fuck,. some randoms like hassan and so on were owning, i know that because EstoniaJyrkZ is my flatmate and he was always crying on my shoulder, i comforted him and said "It's okay my friend, they are just cheaters..."

So that's it, didn't make it to my mathematics lessons today but i will make it to my basketball training, deja vu hehe!

A good movie:
A good song:

gg, master is back in action
millal läppari saad ?
homme või ülehomme :D
siis hakkame nerdima v ?
i was pedobearred in ur profile !
yeah subbi thought the same at first, but he modified my conf a bit and now he is pro
nerd do u really play with r_mode 3 ? :D
ofc mate, best mode ever :D
was trying ur config and i rly like it but R_mode 3 WTF :D i cant see crosshair and with LCD mapoverbrights are too high :|\ NEED HELP WNB pwner like u!PIstol fragger
try my conf in profile, thats where subbis conf started from
hope i can see shit :D i dont see anything in long distance + LCD isnt cool for that config :D
can't see the crosshair very much either tbh, but i manage :P
so in long distance u shoot randomly and making only hs ?! SAY THE TRUTH MAN BEFORE TZAC CAUCTH U!
well i can see it properly on some maps, but in darker maps it's sometimes pretty lotto, in braundorf and radar i sometimes put the crosshairsize higher (from 36 to 46)
like delivery in trainway i rly dont a shit :D GR bridge aswell...i dont see anything moving and i got a 18.4'' LCD adlernest with that r_picmip is also hard..maybe gonna try to change picmip / mapoverbrights...for the rest if i see good i make god tracking, that's why i like it
GG SAC, game on, game on
Dota just sucks -.-.
Trash hon player spotted
sac ET III
song from austrian duo, I aprove
watch him playing 1on1 and you won't be surprised anymore
also: he asked for like 3 times (on CF) where to get proper cheats...
he played aweful in 1o1 wl vs me (or at least not much better than me)
Bei den 2-3 Matches gegen mich wusste er immer, wo ich bin und hat schöne Preshots rausgehauen...
spielst du noch? oder war das dann vor seinem bust zuvor?
Ne, spiele nicht mehr. War damals vor seinem 1. Bust, 2009.
Hat halt auch immer auf CF gefragt, wo er gute Cheats herbekommt und diese Posts sahen schon so aus, als würde er's ernst meinen... ;S
joar, glaube kaum, dass er jetzt in der wl meinte auch iwo er hat den bot erst vor 2 wochen gekauft
gg wp sac
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