kento - once again

After my last journal:

admins of Polish Draft Tournament allowed Kento to play (what can u expect when an admin is Fanatic ?)

Many of Kento's mates were acting like: "omg / hahaha / nothing happened"

but then (7.02.2012):

--> <--

Now we know who is IDIOT mr. Estaloth, Fanatic, ...

my point has been proven

want to play with Poland oppo ? think about it twice

Poland = nr #1 cheaters nation
Estaloth son, i am disappoint.
dont whine about whole nation please - there are still many polish players who will never cheat and will never support cheaters
e.g samraj, malczik :D
jus the usual prejudging..
can you blame us lol? lets publish a cheaterlist with 60 names of which 45 are polish
not prejudging if 90% of the busts are polaks
ban for crossfire journal!
Who said ban? chaplja didn't need journal to tag him as a cheater retard.
But allowing him to play was as stupid as you are. -> Now we both know that
and only showed that shit tournament = shit
zejdz z fejka to bede wedziec przynajmniej kto jest taki wyszczekany, bo i tak mnie to jakos chuja obchodzi co piszesz pajacu
1. oj obchodzi cie, obchodzi : )
2. patrzac na kazdy twoj pojedynczy post i journale dobrze widac kto tutaj jest pajacem : )
jakby mnie obchodzilo to bym ich "zbanowal" w drafcie XD dobra elo idz tam dalej szerlokowac harry hagrid czy jak ci tam
many of kento mates...are u fuckin retarded or what? they know that i was using few times aimbot and i dont even hide with it so calm down :) and yes, i was allowed and what?
and what ?

that's very simple: "shit tournament is shit"

e: and same as you are
ok, we all care about it
ale po co ta walka kento skoro nie masz mejtow:D jestes zjebem a bronic na cf moze Cie tylko twoja pijana matka jesli jej nie ruchaja zule spod sklepu:> pozdrawiam serdecznie kolego!
no wszystko dobrze, ladnie i prawie sie zgadza, ale i tak to wszystko sie sprowadza do pamietnej listopadowej nocy.Pamietam to jak dzis, deszczyk, lekki wiaterek ktory zaczesywal moje wlosy w strone poludniowego zachodu i twoja stara kurwisko jedne ktore robi laski w osrodku dla bezdomnych.Z perspektywy czasu smiem twierdzic ze jest pewnego rodzaju bohaterka, jednakze nie zmienia to faktu ze kurwisko z niej nieprawdopodobne.
Ze sportowym pozdrowiem:
Wojciech K.
please GTFO flaming Poland Poland. :) Some of the most skilled players live there, want me to help? Wiesiek, Naga, XANAH, wiadro, Dolar, edain, uf0l, etc. +QL boy av3k :)

There are that junk clans: Trivium, head-hunters and some noname sh1t full of cheaters, they re ignorant bastards, but why people forget teams like older Fear Factory, Savak, Blurred-Vision, Authentic...?

All those fags who judge every polak because of players like X-Y-Z cheater (sorry, cant remember your random haxor nicks.) are equal to those dumb busted losers.

siemanko <3
e: OMG. Noone comes up with tha name of Homer and dialer? F_cking fanboys you are not real :)
Poland = #1, of course I am not saying that everyone in PL cheat! - YOU STUPID IGNORANT DUMBFACE
Even my last journal will explain you why. Because no one in PL community cares that someone is hacking, or was hacking - they just play with known and unknown cheaters with no problems - and that's the point ! seems that cheating is nothing wrong to be punished for poles, instead of discriminate cheaters like others do.
You know thats not only in Poland, but in every country. If you have friends for long time they will not start hating you if you cheated, most of them know it before the bust. More than the half of .Hu players are excheaters, noone cares... :D

Quotewant to play with oppo ? think about it twice

I will think twice before a match to bring SMG's against you, but knife will do probably.
I am so harsh :( No?
why we/they should care?? im playing mostly with guys that i know few years and i dont see any good reason why they shouldnt play with me or other guys.Ull not change anyhing in this case but keep trying :)
tak tak - jak kazdy plebejski polaczek - z podstawowki wynosisz jedynie "oszukiwanie" i "sciaganie", z gimbusa: "czitowanie" , a w szkole sredniej przyjmujesz wszechpolska usprawiedliwiajaca doktryne "mam wyjebane"

i czemu dziwic sie, ze w panstwie kazdy oszukuje -> poczawszy od plebsu, ktory reprezentujesz po rzad.
haha :D naprawde kurwa nie chce wchodzic w polemike z takim nerdem jak ty wiec nie pisz juz do mnie/ o mnie bo i tak nic nie zdzialas,a twoje (ze specjalnym uwzglednieniem malej litery z racji tego ze jestes zwyklym chujkiem) wywody o spoleczenstwie sa tak zalosne jak proby poinformowania ludzi o tym ze uzywalem programu do gry ktora nikomu nie przynosi profitow.zamknij morde po prostu i nie pisz juz.
i'd play with cheaters too, i dont care
mad magyar [;
all who flame whole poland are Matko jebca
please GTFO flaming Poland. :) Some of the most skilled players live there, want me to help? Wiesiek, Naga, XANAH, wiadro, Dolar, edain, uf0l, etc. +QL boy av3k :)

No just no. He was only good online. at lans he was horrible. for my eyes chiiiiiiiitaaaaaah
Needs more PolandKirej
zaimponowales mi teraz, jutro odpowiem na to co napisales oczekuj znakow na fb. Pozdrawiam Lukasz M
dude i dont understand shit :D
hapaj napleta :D
fucking Kento :(
kento who?

You only now discovered that polaks are mostly cheating trash? There's bad apple in each basket but polish basket takes this quote on a new level: There's few good apples in a polish basket.
hahaha :D vimm strikes again
When will they bust
Estonia Luda
Estonia Ince
and there was another guy I dont remmeber? :(
Oh hey you named two estonian finest aimers.
I think you accused subbi all the time if I remember correctly
Yes that was the other haxor guy. THx
Thought Kento was pokemon region?
fanatic is a retard and he is from poland.. what do you expect?
huehuehue, you're acting like we know each other XD the only one good thing is that you call me mr. E, but apart from this, you're not so clever.

let me quote reply of mine (from ur last journal):
Quote i don't care, neither about him, nor about the future of this game - so feel free to take care about useless stuff <o/
sounds like you followed my advice very well ;D

i don't get it - what are you trying to achieve? you couldn't score in-game for many years, so what? started posting useless content full of ignorance/hate/whateva? even admins have already deleted couple of ur previous accounts because you're pathetic. still, you kept coming back like those cheaters, but you're not even related to this community anymore. questions?
laughing hard : )

#1 - u don't know who I am
#2 - by writing:
Quote"ou couldn't score in-game for many years, so what? started posting useless content full of ignorance/hate/whateva? even admins have already deleted couple of ur previous accounts because you're pathetic. still, you kept coming back like those cheaters, but you're not even related to this community anymore. questions?
- which is fabricated piece of shit

I can now fairly call you retarded polish trash.

I just realized that this quote fits perfectly to your person and your achievements

what a coincidence

ok tell me more about myself and my 'achievements'. i thought you're hitsu, or some mate of him w same retardation skills. why didn't you say anything about my quote from previous journal? i think you're nothing more than unknown guy, commenting on people who are completely strangers to you. weak membership, proxy & couple of nonames @ buddylist don't make any difference. so if you wanted to act brightly, you should've done that back in 2k3 when i was still a teenager.

for any further questions lets make it real and more dramatic - come cpmpickup and lets play some amphi to make it clear who's more worthy of q3 flag.
kento cannot into draft torney
noone cheated during pdt so whats your problem, zzzzzz
date of tournament: 6.02.2012
date of ban: 7.02.2012

even if not cheating during (= we can't know), he did that before (even he's not hiding that info) and you allowed him to play => that's enough

since you're a zAAba's et friend I shouldn't even answer to that retarded question
but noone cheated during pdt, try harder

QuoteI shouldn't even answer to that retarded question

eh? quote me that question
1. find some english dictionary or click here
2. type word: "what"
3. ask someone to translate it for you
Quote by dictionary
used to ask for bla bla bla..

4. btw. as I correctly said: "retarded question"

learn english or don't use it if you don't understand what are you writing.

trying to make a laughing stock of me? - > You made a laughing stock of yourself

owned lame.
still quote me that question
retard is retard - and you are definition of it.
quote question, whats so hard
ok retard - here you go:
Quotewhats so hard
did i ask about this question?
oh - so u recognize that this is a 2nd question :D

after got owned by me :D retarded lame wants to be funny and probably trying to troll me (or not - just too dumb imo).
still waiting for reply with proper quote of my question
no one can help you because you were born this way.

repeat it once again to prove my point please : )


Its alright man, we all understand that "noone cheated during pdt --- so whats your problem --- , zzzzzz" was a rhetorical question, aside from the lack of a question mark.
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