Why? (OO)

Hello folks.
Yesterday i came home and saw a journal about tzac bans update. Started reading happy to see it was working again when i saw this! Now, since my 1st "bust" was already despicable, beeing twice banned without any reason or any proof leave me with a feeling things are getting more personal than other thing. To be honest i would just be glad with some kind of proof or real reason for this second ban, BECAUSE, believe it or not i've never had an hack dl into my HD! + after my 1st ban i had already format c: my HD 3 times so i dont think it was "some missed file" around PC --' .. Worse than that is seeing im tagged here as a pub cheater. What the hell, if i had to cheat i would use it in something wich i could take profit (CB, ESL, etc) and not playing in random pubs . How can i be tagged as cheating on a public server if i cant see any screenshot nor any proof i've ever had cheated! How can you assume i was playing on pub or not? Not mad, just would apreciate some explanation cause its kinda annoying to be tagged once again as cheater (WORSE THAN THAT IS BE PUB CHEATER!!!!)

PS: I've already scanned all tzac pics on my profile and couldnt find not even one suspicious ffs!

Sounds a bit familiar to me....

As long know im beeing falsely acused i wont shut up. Is just stupid! I havent cheated on 1st time and I havent cheated on a fucking PUBLIC !
he has one point

wheres proof ?? for the 2 busts??
Pb didnt give you proof either, so whats the difference?
until proven guilty ofc
He is proven guilty you just cant see it, simple as.
nobody can lol, only tomislav
Yes, we believe you...

Not, fucking faggot how stupid do you think we are?
Alot. Otherwise would trust blindly on tzac
lol bro while you were working your brother started to play ET with hax and got busted , then deleted everything, now you take the shame

true story
i got a brother but cant even instal ET
believe me he can
at least could be "cheating on an offi" but PUB? CHEATING ON A PUB?
Being busted is not only about the screenshots, you know that?

As you said yourself, being banned once and claiming it was a false positive is kinda "okey", but twice.. nah.
And just for the record, TZAC doesn't even scan your hdd for hacks. It only scans you while playing and check if ET has been somehow, changed.

Instead of coming here and cry, pm chaplja at irc and check if it's been a false positive or not.
Se é okey o filho da puta que tivesse dado o braço a torcer e admitisse que se enganou agora vir-me banir de novo sem razao e ainda dizer que foi num pub essa merda é cagar na cara de um gajo. E o ET mudou o caralho, que eu saiba instalar o ultimate instaler nao tras o etbot la metido.

E chorar o caralho oh bartolo, mas pensas que eu vivo disto ou vivo do PC? Simplesmente esta merda é estupida e o gajo basicamente limita-se a ignorar e ta andar e um gajo nem se pode defender
Estas enganado, se ele não admitiu é porque realmente viu que não havia nada para admitir certo? Mas pela segunda vez acho que já não há beneficio da dúvida não?

E isso de dizer que foi num pub é algo que os admins da CB ou da CF provavelmente assumiram. Penso que o goldorack tem acesso especifico ao momento que foste "catado" a cheatar, dái o ban na cb ser aplicado de uma maneira. Quanto aos da crossfire penso que não tem acesso a isso por isso provavelmente puseram isso a sorte.

De qualquer das maneiras se ainda achas que tens razão, fala com o chaplja e pede uma prova qualquer, um log ou assim.
Lá está eu já da primeira vez pedi e ele mandou-me a merda basicamente. Manteve o ban e eu nada pude fazer para tentar provar que foi erro do slac na altura. Agora venho aqui e deparo-me com este ban de piça ainda por cima num pub. E nao, nao e por ser 2ª vez porque eu nem 1 primeira vez cheatei quanto mais uma segunda.
Continua a tentar. O tzac é diferente, pode ter acesso mais especifico a provas e afins. Tenta.
what about the 'broken hardwares' then?
"Instead of coming here and cry, pm chaplja at irc and check if it's been a false positive or not. "

Thats why i wrote that. Only chaplja can know that.
"It only scans you while playing and check if ET has been somehow, changed."

so you dont really know that now do you? there was something 'wrong' with aphesia's ram - how the fuck could tzac detect that kind of things? yeah ask chapljaja but really, tzac must be scanning computers (or something similar) if it can detect something like @aphesia's case :D

Of course I may be wrong here also. Just wondering. :(
I am not a coding expert and i am judging on what i've seen chaplja explaing BUT:

- tzac checks, not only, but also, memory...A hack usually hits a specific memory position. Let's say for example you need to change how screenshake works to remove it, so you need to hit the memory position 0x123 (whatever..), if your memory is somehow fuckedup and having errors or fuckedup behaviour, it's normal something gets corrupted or triggers some stuff that tzac is scanning at.

Chaplja is the right person to explain this, but in theory it doesn't really me surprise and atleast chalpja is a community member and he is willing to check specific cases and remove the bans. Let's wait till he finish's the job, i guess he is still hunting more examples like aphesia.
Hits the error which shows if its some external program which causes it or just shows some errors and chaplja guessing wether it is a cheat or broken hardware? :D

Cheat makers are now more than happy to make cheats which shows on data as broken ram shit - also if its a broken ram i think it should have caused huge fps drops for aphesia / or fuck up his entire pc then

someone must show some critic :( i already pm'd chaplja so waiting for his answer
we/you can't assume anything. Only chaplja knows the internal work so let's wait for him to explain it better, but i don't think it is that plain easy as you said :P
yeah the fact which have always bothered me with tzac is the fac that only chaplja knows :< I can see just names and people getting banned. Don't think its really fair without seeing/publishing the _EVIDENCE_ which he claims to have!

yup i know it wont be that easy but just an idea which crossed my mind :p
same :( but we can't do anything about it. Most of this bans might be right tbh, i doubt there is more "aphesia" examples out there...
Or then its just an era of chaplja where chaplja is the silent ruler.
So the 2012 hacker excuse instead, it was my bro is now it was my ram ?
Yeah thats pretty much what I was wanting to sort out
"PS: I've already scanned all tzac pics on my profile and couldnt find not even one suspicious ffs!"

If you even took a look at your screens it means there was something to hide. No?
Yes, lots of porn! Lots and lots of it!
I checked it to try to find something they could argue about but seems everyone blind trust on tzac
I don't give a fuck if you cheat or not, posting here will not help you.

By the way I like you because you like Ellie Goulding so I wish you good luck to proove that you're innocent.
:') I like Ellie too, we can share :$
Dont throw that face at me mister :(
~You flithy fucking cheating russians. YOu piss me off as much as russians on hon or carry vindicators and i dont even play et anymore. fucking FUCKS fuck im mad
he's from Portugal bro
Get me a 1on1 on valhalla with him and ill whooop the living shit out of him even with his aimbot.
Why would I waste my time to do that?
get a server and come at me brAh
he's from Portugal bro
hehe Foamea ;p
I have always wondered if someone got those infos by legal manners :D And then again logs are no proofs but YEAH WE ALL KNOW THEY CHEATED
aaahw, same story over and over again
Got banned for cheating without ever cheating! Like a bauss

change that into getting banned twice for cheating without ever cheating, IF YOUR STORY IS TRUE!

but still hahaha :D
gl getting unbanned

hahha D:DD:D
its funny how hackers get trolled by telling them its a pc problem ;'DDDD
/!\, maybe your dog installed them on your pc when you was away
wahahaha oh how i missed these journals!
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