ET Facts made up by myself. v1

Good evening crossfire!

I should be learning right now, but I am in the mood of sharing wisdom with you people because I am this kind.
So let's just begin ;)

- If you are playing with a config of a highskilled player it makes your aim better. false
Am I the sugar guy over here with the configs or what? Today I got like the 25th PM with the subject of: "I need XY's cfg".
Those players use settings which fit them well or(and) got used to it, if you put the exact same mouse/graphic/connection settings it won't make you aim better, you'll even get worse. You have to find those settings which you are comfortable with. If it's drawgun 1 instead of 0 then that is that, etc etc.

- Make your own config, it's the best false
No, it's not the best. Why would you bother making a cfg from command to command? Isn't it easier to put in a random config and modify the things you don't like? It's called modifying a cfg and not making your own one. Haters gonna hate. It's more like correcting the statement.

- Playing againts more skilled people makes you better half true
It's true because, if you can't outaim someone in 1on1 you got to find "tricks" to kill him. It improves your ingame IQ,gamesensitivity, but won't make your aim better at all.

- The more you practise the better you get false
If you play too much you'll "burn out", just like in sports or studying. Find the normal amount of playing, you'll get better.

I give you this much wisdom today for free, appreciate it because you don't know when the next one may come.
Everything based on my own experience and I mean all this.
Actually I am trying to be next seareal/eujen.
Ok, I lied. I need economy ebooks in exchange.

Good night!
Quote- The more you practise the better you get false
If you play too much you'll "burn out", just like in sports or studying. Find the normal amount, you'll get better.

I approve.
That's why you have been playing so bad latelyjust kidding
Quote- The more you practise the better you get false
If you play too much you'll "burn out", just like in sports or studying. Find the normal amount, you'll get better.
false. the more you play the more you automate. making room for concentration on improvement.
Not really. Atleast i noticed I play better if i only play like 2h per day or when i get back from 3-4 days of not playing as opposed to nerding 10h a day, which gets me fucking low by the time I stop.

if i don't play for 3-4 days i'm usually way better than i expect myself to be
QuoteThe more you practise the better you get false

Depends on the person, I tend to play better after playing for a long time.
cant take advice from a guy listening to Bruce Springsteen
- Always shooting the same riflenades at the same spots on the same timings will get you lots of kills. True
ET Players are too stupid to learn from their misstakes and keep walking in the same riflenades over and over again, really. FUCKING WAIT A SECOND FOR THE RIFLENADE, YOU KNOW IT'S COMING, FUCK.
verklapt ie zn geheimpje :X
ur advice will make ur own skill drop like hell
No, because I adapt to it. I also wait a second.

Really depends who I'm playing against aswell, I mostly know which player will wait for my riflenade and who will not.
after reading this everyone will switch

u will hit much less xD
QuoteET Players are too stupid to learn from their misstakes and keep walking in the same riflenades over and over again, really.
goedemorgen, heb je lekker geslapen?
kheb 12 uur geslapen, net wakker...


no need to wait, your rifle grenades used to travel longer than i needed from spawn to pass the point of impact^^

so ppl just need to develop some f* movement skills^^
- There is a rifle player on the map being useless, shooting useless rifles.

True. And it makes it that much easier to play against.
double doors.. :D people get killed 5 spawns in a row and what happens in the 6th spawn? they still come at the same time and get a riflenade in the face..
That´s the reason why you have that positive dmg?! :D You are waiting only in doubledoor to rn some1?! :D
i shoot from spawn to double doors, I don't wait for it.. cba to really explain, just spec any game of me playing supply
was joke :(
- TZAC doesn't work false
:DD made me laugh :) THANKS!
with less cheaters you would burn out less... burning out is a consequence of stress and the feeling of being worse than anyone else without knowing if he really is that good or if he just cheats. Hence you wont be having respect but you start hating which is again burning us out.
You'll get better aim against better opponents as well, as they move different and therefor your aim will adapt.
or u jus get rolled in every match :|
complete bullshit

if you get stomped at spawn you don't learn anything
Then you should quit ;D
thats why you are bad
no Im good ^^^^
True story bro.
Playing against worse enemies makes you worse True
easy frags lead to sloppy play leads to loss of skill
but its fun to play vs worse enemies once in a while, so it depends on the frequency of times u play vs players that are below ur skill
Quote- If you are playing with a config of a highskilled player it makes your aim better. false
Am I the sugar guy over here with the configs or what? Today I got like the 25th PM with the subject of: "I need XY's cfg".
Those players use settings which fit them well or(and) got used to it, if you put the exact same mouse/graphic/connection settings it won't make you aim better, you'll even get worse. You have to find those settings which you are comfortable with. If it's drawgun 1 instead of 0 then that is that, etc etc.

Ur half wrong... finding the right values can be pain in ass, better to dll someones else config and just get used to it... if it works for other guy, it can aswell work for you...
you kinda said his second point :D
which means hes got no idea what hes talking about, eh? :>
he is right actually. What he meant in his first point is that playing with the config of mAus wont make you give the same aim as he has ;)
his point was

QuoteIf you are playing with a config of a highskilled player it makes your aim better

which can be true, especially for newbies and ppl who are not confident
- Watching Twilight makes you gay?
Need I say more?
i thought it just made you sparkle
QuoteOk, I lied. I need economy ebooks in exchange.

made me laugh :D
thx for helpfull tips, i hope i can finally achieve something now
i hope so too... you've been playing for YEARSSSS now :)
how the mighty have fallen :)
Soo... don't use a config of a higher skilled player and neither make a config of your own. To get better, either use the stock config or that of a lower skilled player. Amirite?
No. The point is, everybody knows and uses the config tweaks this game allows, so its pointless to use a highskilled players config, because it won't be different from a random medskilled player's cfg.
neither the medskilled players uses muzzleflash, blood nor the highskilled.
simple as that
I was only half serious. However, you expressed that a bit strange. I would say: Use the config you are most comfortable with. Over time that will be something of your own, more or less. Although I asked some experienced players for tips, too. Now it's probably a mix of some "standard" config and my own. (For instance, I like to change some key bindings to the ones I am used to, possibly rather uncommon keys for other players)
adze .. supah!
thanks for this,if i think lil bit bout all 4 u are kinda right
I approve

But in the part of better players, well is not necessarily true that a good aimer is a good player. You see, theres a lot no-brain "med skillers"
Playing ET makes you look like a ugly full blown fairy fury faggot?True

Look at razz.
adze always trying to create a discussion! ;D
I am this creative!
Quote- The more you practise the better you get false
If you play too much you'll "burn out", just like in sports or studying. Find the normal amount of playing, you'll get better.

NOPE. Your body and mind will adapt to the higher volume.
Ye, that's so wrong. Because gaming is not physically demanding you can play almost endlessly (you will indeed adapt to the higher gaming schedule). Of course the best example is the Korean domination in StarCraft where they literally play 12/7 or something.
far east is bad example of anything, just because they are so different than us, culture wise...

they are used to having no spare time, as from young years they go school -> study -> sleep... this makes them effective workers in the future...
more like 16h if u don't wanna be a proleague only reserve scrub :P
Talking about average. :P No one plays every day 16hours+
you get better by experience.
i used to play a lot, and still am

didnt realise in the beginning and i kept continuing :(

anyways.. that shouldnt happen from now on
joci mult si brainless
stiu... si asta e naspa
am observat ca atunci cand joc mai rar ,stau sa ma gandesc mai mult la cum joc si la ce sa fac ca sa castigam
cand joc continuu,ma duc numai in fata si trag in ce mai si ratez..
látom unatkozol :s vehetnél egy gépet és tolnánk
Most adtam el nemrég, másra gyűjtök :D
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