Map Suggestions for Nbs 1

Playing the same old maps all the time gets stale. Deli, Bremen, Supply, Aldernest, Frostbite, Gold Rush.... :(

So many people cry about Deli and Supply being the main maps on our Non-objective Pub server, and are just tired of the same old maps all the time, me included, so give me some ideas of rarely played, but fun maps to frag on that you think will work on a pub/Non-objective server and I'll pass it on to Hunter.

Something different, like maybe Leningrad, War Bell (maybe NOT War Bell lol), but you get the idea...
only summer version
Yeah, fueldump was nice.
The only problem with Fuel Dump on ET Pro is that it only uses half the map
All the maps are used by half.
Deli, supply etc.. 5 minutes first part tops, then 995 second part.
People will vote to supply and deli on nbs #1 anyway. Try to get Library on nbs #2, would appreciate that.
We are. Hunter is adding it to 1 & 2 today
baserace, library, tc_base
caen2, school, MTB maps (they're huge tho but very very fun), marrakech2 (sum like that) and some others

always enjoyed these the most when i was a pubhero :D specially marrakech fucking awesome map
caen was my favorite map back at jaymod
respect, always went engy planting 20 mines in the river :P stupid players always went into the same mine
Marrakech is a great choice!
Password 2
Already done :D
nice thx :))
Back on 6o6 aren't we. So bring back Oasis. Ice. TC_Base.
I'm a big fan of Alcatraz
Pretty nice serie
Oasis + marrakech streeeets (or how to write it..)
We've done Oasis a few times. It never lasts long
Click reply :P
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