
So I'm slowly getting settled into ET again; and wondering: Are there actually only 3 populated TZAC publics (2x NBS and BiO)? The first NBS seems to play delivery with unlimited time only and the BiO is often all but empty. Is TZAC so unpopular on pubs or just not enough players because all are banned now? :o
Which lists said three servers as non-private and populated. (If 4 players on BiO counts as being populated)
dude? NBS #3 is like BiO .. :-)
TZAC is unpopular because it have no linux support and many etpro servers dont want to restrict that. Also if you've somewhat active admins TZAC is not needed.
the majority of ET players dont have TZAC and prefer pubing in NQ+JAYMOD with cheats
Yeah, welll. Call me old fashioned but I don't :-)
TZAC is for skilled/competitive kinda of people
Quite aware of that. But after an absence of several years I need to get a feel for it again, plus getting back to a config I feel comfortable with before I start mixing and alike.
Yeah, kinda fucked up. Tried to convince some bigger PB ETPro pubs but they don't trust tzac or have some other excuses. You can go ahead and try your luck. HBC, Hirntot, u k, etc.
Hello wintermute

Reviving Kallisti?
Hai thar. Would be difficult. Lazy bums all around me :D
Well it was nice, maybe you can try with some other players, ET lacks decent 6on6 teams
Maybe. I just came back, will need some time to find out wth is going on. But I'm happy to see we are back to 6on6. I always flamed against 5o5 :)
welcome back just play nbs 1 for deli / supply only. or nbs 2 / 3 obj on servers. and bio is a option. otherwise play wars :)
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