Question (tzac)

Is there any way to see the day/time that tzac got triggered? Or any way to acess the ban logs?
For you, no.
Basicly your saying i cant acess to the means to support my defence?
You've been detected in some different days. What makes you believe you have a defence?
IF i've been detected in diferent days as you say i want to see the logs just simple as that. I still live in a democratic country where my PM (beeing shit) is not a secret service chief so here people have the right to see the evidence so they can have a fair trial. As for you i ask what make you guys believe you're almighty to acuse, judge and prejudice people without any proof available?

+ my conscience is clean thats what makes me think i have a defence
you're just pathetic
Lacking arguments already? All i see from your comments is that your an arrogant cunt
typical from a kid (Yes you're a kid), instead of trying to be helpfull, and as an admin you should be, your just acting retard and almighty.
You won't get unbanned as you have been cheating several times on your TZAC ID. What's your excuse? I'm listening...

You're acting like a mongol and blaming others for your mistakes.
No I havent! I havent cheated a fucking SINGLE time not on this tzac id nor on other! Thats the truth so i shouldnt need a fucking excuse understand the difference? IF i've cheated i would even bother to post this in here since im barely playing atm and would be a problem to me to take my hacks and go into a non tzac server. i wouldnt need a PUBLIC TZAC server to cheat! IM not blaming anyone, im just asking for the means so i can try to defend myself and prove my inocence! Your the one that already accuses, judged and triald me without giving me a chance to defend!
Parent Is this your tzac account?
What about these?

All matching each other and with this account:

Even if you didn't cheat, you were already busted several times before => multi-accounts ban

The PT IP that is shown there is the one that was caught cheating several times.

What's there left to say?
So ban me for multi account and remove the cheater status. Sry if i wanted to play some scrims with friends while beeing unfairly banned.

So how many ips from how many countries can i have? as long as i know my isp is portuguese hosted only -- .. And was only the "portuguese" ip caught?
Quote by StriderNo I havent! I havent cheated a fucking SINGLE time not on this tzac id nor on other!

Quote by StriderSo ban me for multi account and remove the cheater status. Sry if i wanted to play some scrims with friends while beeing unfairly banned.

image: trollface100
? As i said ban me for multi accounting (im not saying they arent mine) but remove the cheater status! 1 thing is beeing banned by multi account other is beeing tagged as cheater
On a more decent view, I think you were unfairly tagged.

This user is tagged until 6 Aug 12 for cheating on a public server.

This user is tagged until eternity for cheating on a public server.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake!
Remove the part "cheating on a public server" as it is FALSE and just keep there the multiaccount status if so. Acting as your acting just proves how childish you are and your abusing your powers as admin.

As a user that never had a fucking warning point on this site/forum + im already twice as old as you are here, i dont see a point of tagging me forever for a thing i've never done. I would accept you would tag me by multiaccount, now you just tagging me forever as a cheater and forever wich is fucking ridiculous coming from a kid just abusing is powers
So you're saying that you didn't cheat on the other accounts?
i've never cheated wich part you dont get? I've never ever said i cheated! In neither one of the accounts! If you notice other accounts are "younger" than strider account and i've just used them to play some scrims with friends.
what a retard lol
waahahaha, if we were still using PB and you got kicked you would not have access to the 'logs' so whats the difference now?

You know you've cheated you got caught be a bigger man and own up instead of these stupid journals.
You'd have acess to pbbans logs at least. On tzac im beeing falselly accused and i should trust blindly on tzac/admins and shut up? Im trying to be a "big man" (wich online seems you cant find one) and all im getting is hate by admins/players lol .. Kinda harsh when the admins have already their mind done against you and dont even listen to you trying to defende yourself
I'm listening
Sorry to say man but you sound seriously retarded :o)
pbbans is not part of punkbuster and required the server to use an add on, pbbans logged punkbuster kicks and ran its own cvar checks thats it
thats not true.
What part isn't true?
Quoteyou would not have access to the 'logs'

it was like: lol?
Clearly you have no idea what your talking about.
Ofc not dumb fuck, I just appealed to 2 pb bans but I dont know what Im talking about.
Continue your crap theory. bye
wahahaha, fuckin idiot. cheating idiot at that. and tell me when you were appaealing these pb bans, what logs did you see? Retard.
ye you are fuckin stupid thats true, go read a few things at evenbalance.
bye cancermongol
hahahah please don't use your crossfire slang with me you fuckin fanny. gl.
a ban decision of the tzac team is not a state-run court decision so you dont have the right to a "fair trial"
so basicly chalpja is the god of et now. choosing who play or not this public game.
you are free to play on servers which are not tzac protected. But basically, yes. If there is no appeal foreseen, too bad for you
ask tomislav directly
pergunta ao gajo directamente man
why, wanna know which one of your cheats got detected?
Yes, wanna know if it was my Brain or godlike aim who triggered it --'
didn't you get busted in the past already on one of the lists, think that sums it up
Most likely its been triggering every second you've used that cheat
But as i said , i've never had a cheat into my PC so there must be some time where the tzac triggered for some reason.
then send an appeal email and you'll get unbanned if you're right

useless to post this shit here
done that, but someone said to me admins may have the time/day etc from the bust. Im just asking how can i see them or at least know the date/time
unless chap tells u that i doubt u ever find that out
isn't that the point of silent detection? not to know?
No. The point is for you not to know when you got busted but there must be logs from the time it triggered first time.

No, not really.
Well actually there should be some logs shown afterwards. The silent detecting is just to make cheater(s) not to aware of that the cheats are detected by tzac already. Logs should be shown imo : )
Don't think tzac was so good decision after all
this is no democracy
i just got this

image: 1328747043-4173446538
vid_restart bug imo
cool buddy
kira loves u
youre gonna get the date and time just so you can say you were on the other side of the globe during that exact moment?
thats something that concerns to me
I doubt it, what good would knowing the time do for your defence?
Do you realize how compromising it could be for the AC if such information was revealed?
ahahaha nigga please stop now
/q `nicon,
appeal your ban if your think it's a false positive

nothing more you can do
Stop wasting your breath and appeal your ban at TZAC, not here.
did that i just came here with 1 question looking for some help and if you notice the 1st comment was from an admin with a shitty response!
He's not here to make friends, he's here to do his job.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

Always forget, damn!
why u make more then one account, when u dont want cheat?
just did the other accounts after unfairly banned so i could play some scrims with friends otherwise i would be 1 full yr without playing ET
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