ET Facts made up by myself. v2

Good afternoon Crossfire!

After so many successful journal series I made, I started my new one called "ET facts made up by myself" and we are airing Episode 2 today!


Quote- The more you practise the better you get false

Quote Netherlands Ati_ on 08/02/12, 23:34:37 PM | Report | Reply

- Always shooting the same riflenades at the same spots on the same timings will get you lots of kills. True
ET Players are too stupid to learn from their misstakes and keep walking in the same riflenades over and over again, really. FUCKING WAIT A SECOND FOR THE RIFLENADE, YOU KNOW IT'S COMING, FUCK.

Quote Belgium chizz6l on 09/02/12, 00:09:56 Edited PM | Report | Reply

thx for helpfull tips, i hope i can finally achieve something now

- Bodyshots are overpowered true
And so the headshots are overrated. You can easily kill an opponent with only bodyshots meantime he gives you headshots. ( Eventho you should find the best headshot/bodyshot ratio, (c) Hungary CS4f1 )

- Trickjumping makes your movement better in combat. false
Since the movement you use for trickjumps are completely different from those moves you use in combat it doesn't help you to by-pass the bullets. I know after finishing a trickjump map you feel like Neo, but that's just bullshit.

- If you mute the game your aim instatly becomes better true
Strange, but true. I firstly noticed it back in 2006 when my first headphone died. The only logical reason must be the hitsounds. You get used to sound of a hit and if you miss a shot your brain automaticly tries to correct your aim by giving you instructions so you try to move your crosshair to a point where you might hit your next bullet meantime your opponent is moving.
Another logical reason might be that other sounds take away your attention about aiming, such as a grenade explode, footsteps, announcer sounds etc.
This is why there is so many all aim and zero brain players out there, their brain isn't able to focus on more than one thing at the same time.

Bonus fact:

- Polish people think if they flame in their own languange the opponent will understand it true
I think this thing is genetic, everytime I played with polish people and we had some disagreement(it was a must because of their connection) they started to reply me in polish.

This is for today, thank me later ;) You get free authorization to use these things whenever you play.
Remember, all I am trying to do is give you advices!
ps: I still need ecomony books, please link me some.

Have fun and good day!
Yours sincerely,
brb trying to play without sound :P
e: didnt work for me atleast
:P That's why i use headshot hitsounds only !
I also noticed the muted sound stuff some years ago .
not bad journal :D
jumping and crouching makes you less hitable

going up ladders while crouching = same effect

however jumping in general makes you more hitable

not less hitable, but harder to hit due to movement changes if ur aim cant follow them u wont hit : >
nope the hitboxed are changing
o no shit he's switching between stances crouch and stand
crouch hitboxes are fucked up bro.
u cant hit em bro
there is so much I dont agree with you.. in both of your journals.. ^^
Now the question is - with who?
Quote- Polish people think if they flame in their own languange the opponent will understand it true

Cant decide if you are sh1t or c00l
economics book: Meyer Dieatmer - Makroökonómia, hf
greate :-D
fact #34234
if someone swears with cancer hes automatically from the netherlands!
So true :S

for the no sounds = better aim stuff:
I think it is the sound/effects in the backround. You get a lot of information all the time and probably think about what to do next / what to do so you minimize the risk of a backrape/nade/whatever. That could distract you from concentrating on the aim :o
you dont have to play without sound, you can turn off hitsounds in etpro...
He meant all sounds
... read again.

QuoteThe only logical reason must be the hitsounds. You get used to sound of a hit and if you miss a shot your brain automaticly tries to correct your aim by giving you instructions so you try to move your crosshair to a point where you might hit your next bullet meantime your opponent is moving.

he is clearly talking about the hitsounds. muting rest of the game and therefore not hearing the opponent at all will never ever make your game better...
Well he is wrong, i got no hitsounds, I don't play better, although no sounds makes a difference for me.

QuoteAnother logical reason might be that other sounds take away your attention about aiming, such as a grenade explode, footsteps, announcer sounds etc.
The first part of that is about hitsounds and the rest about no sound at all. And I was talking about aiming and not gamesense.
whatever man ^^ i just think the best way to try this out is just muting hitsounds.
but this is no topic i am eager to discuss anyway :)
b_hitsounds 2 > *
Well, for the hitsounds thingy.. i noticed the same around 2008 i guess, and i enjoyed playing without hitsounds but the problem was that ive never played without and i just love this headshot sounds and were so used to it, that i turned the hitsounds on again :P
nope nope and nope
holy shit this is genius:D

the muting during game sometimes it does happen true,and the polish stuff...haha amazing,so fuckin true
I often tap myself out just before opponent gibs me, just to steal the gib from him. Unless he is wasting bullets to me.
what if there's a chance they will get your suit?
I do this to lower his accuracy

I see you got your priorities right ...
- If you mute the game your aim instatly becomes better false
don't rely on settings, just be pro like me
bullshit cant aim for shit without hitsounds :(
Mute all others sounds and try again, you'll notice your tracking is better.
anyone who actually understands the game will disagree with you on most points.
QuoteTrickjumping makes your movement better in combat

crouching while in the air will raise your accuracy compared to normal jumping and will make your hitbox smaller. hs while jumping ftw!

some stuff ppl dont always seem to realize
- your hitbox is not a square, its a rectangle. you can use this to take cover more effectivly or get passed a revived teammates, etc
- most corridors, roads are alligned with the N - E - S - W axis of the map, this probably has to do with how the maps are 'written' / 'drawn. Shooting from in between N - E - S - W, from North-East for example, will make headhitboxes 25% bigger for both of you.
- shooting down on somebody in a 45 degree angle will make the headhitbox 25% bigger for the guy who is higher up, 25% smaller for the guy who is lower.
- looking at the ground will hide a piece of your headhitbox inside your bodyhitbox and lower it also. usefull when caught in a reload.
- screenshake of getting hit is affected by the amount of hp you got. less hp = more screenshake (and not xp related, fu mathias!)
- dont tap when you are lying on a nade or in an airstrike. An instagib will make your gun dissapear = no ammo for the enemy.
- you can use the tank to jump through walls, even on top of axis spawn on goldrush.
- cg_teamchattime 99999 and fuck all of you asking spawntime 5 minutes into the game when its been spammed before
;o professor
was labersch du?
When i played ET, my aim was shit without hitsounds.
play without sounds or with very low sound volume - this will make your aim better (he didnt mean remove hitsounds only, but remove every sound).
kurwa dupek mac zaadj czaaaerie kurwa
:DDD hahaha!
:DDDDDDDDD Didnt think anyone would get what I did :D
You do give more headshots without sound!
open as much programs as you can to create lag -> ppl whining that you are unhit -> profit?
pm hEAVENn he can help you getting a better aim
by playing w/o sound even if ur tracking would become better no matter what reasons. ur reflex vs enemy behind corner etc situations are way slower. ofc they will improve by playing like this too... and preshoot relyes only on ts info and brain , u cant preshoot when u hear. idk if playing like that is rly good idea :)
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