LoL playerzz

Im looking for some lol players (or a kind of team) to play some games in the evenings and/or the go4lol cups.
"Mikrotic" / "Bibi Blocksberg" on euw, I can play any role on a decent level and speak proper english.
Write me a pm here or ingame :o)
Mordekaiser is a viable champion? I'm noob at lol, I'm just asking.

Random queus against bots etc
Pretty viable as mid champ I think
mordekaiser disabled atm :P
nah not rly, just fair now, but like every other champ... a bit of feed and he still rapes ass with eaz.
I think his comment was referring to the temporarily disable of morde and yorick becus their ults are not working properly ;)
rly :O? havent noticed that until now :(
Yeah but I'm that stupid that when I had enough points to buy it, I bought it (I realised my mistake after xd)
not really, no form of cc. he's hard to place on any team and doesn't supply that team with much other than damage (that could be done with other champs as well..), although moscow five successfully utilized him in kiev.

e: he could be referred to as a troll pick. against bots it doesn't matter the least though, if he's fun to play and you're playing merely for fun than why not?
Ok thx for this

any idea what champ could I play to get used with the game? Not OP but just correct with some CC and good dmg burst or something similar?
Annie is free to play atm, shes quite easy to play in my opinion and has a good amount of cc too
Will try right now, thx

a bit out of date, because some of those aren't that worthy picks anymore, but at your level that doesn't matter.
thx, will take a look
Sup with mara/para/b4lu/desti etc..?
er mag uns nicht

ne, nur dich und para
avi to paly some gaymes bro!
add M1R53 on euw
avi ;)
LoL y u so skilled?
skill mucho needed
add Koponenn
ja da lebt er noch lOl
i play dis game
can you carry me out of elo hell i always land with some idiots.
Add me if u want to be carry
sorry ich spiele keine low kack hurensohn games 8)
Im motherfucker trundle! and im not trolling pm if you wanna play on decent lvl.
i would, but i suck
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