
I was in the mood for writing, and reading discussions of people here. A new column but this simply wouldn't fit.

As some of you will know, I went travelling over summer. It was one of the best experiences that I have ever had in my life. I came back after a week in the Netherlands; four of those in Hoofdorpp, near Amsterdam, the other 3 at LAN playing with Europeenhanced. I came back home on the 6th of July, and on the 10th I would fly out again to Prague, visit various countries, and share great experiences for 28 days. I had six great companions, some I was not close to at the time and am now, one I learnt to love.

What sort of experiences did we encounter? We translated rough broken german and english into a plan to save us walking 8KM with our rucksack in Hungary Balaton. We also spent a night there in a lake-side hut and slept through a huge storm that went on all night. We ran for a train to Vienna is Poland Krakow. We got ushered off a train in the [flag=cz Czech Republic], after almost getting left in Ostrava. We slept in Rome's train station. We crammed into train corridors in an attempt to get 3 hours sleep. I walked around Paris for four hours in an attempt to see all the main sights. Desperate, tired times for all 7 of us. But the fondest of memories, and with €30 a day we were poor too.

I met up with DanL, Overboost, V1ech, Wesbo on my travels too, as I have discussed in a column.

The meaning of this post? I want to travel. England is cold and grim. I also want other people to tell me their travelling dreams. Where they have been, their memories. All of these should be cherished.
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go to Poland meet grzesiek, go to Finland meet miNd`, go to Belgium meet mAus, go to Sweden meet alexL, go to Russia meet etcfg, go to Canada meet monkey and shaun, go to Germany meet carlito and bong, go to Netherlands meet ovie!! and moar

dreams will never come true...
I hope to do Estonia in the next few years. If I do, you're going to meet me.
:D you're more than welcome but watch out, i live in the french part, might be scary
Why not meeting h8m3?
he's a secret part of etcfg
ohhhh Dubai!
30e for 1 day makes you poor?
When you've got to find a place to stay (€10-35 euros in our case), yes.

We met lots of very rich Americans and English kids on the trip that didn't seem to have any sort of budget at all, just a credit card.
oh, right, i didn't include that -_- silly me
Mhh. Traveling. My favorite Hobby.

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lucky you

when was that picture taken? after the travel or before?

I will probably travel this year too in few countries, but Ill wait few months more for money
During the travel, near the uni in Prague IIRC!

Go dude, it's awesome times.
I wanted to flame your faggot style on the picture but then I was like "ok, you're a nice guy, I can't do this"

excuse me. Ill sure take your advices

you will travel again?
They were ultimate bum clothes from H&M, £4 t-shirts are the shit.

I hope to do it this summer over NL/Germany but I need to find a job if I want to do that cause its so fucking expensive and I don't get enough hours. Grim thought though as you're working 1 day to travel 1 day if that makes sense.

For now I just mix really weird food together and pretend i'm in some beautiful country. :)
ive been too Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Ibiza, Mallorca with my parents and last year Porto with my mates! Had most fun in Porto eventho the city's not as exciting as f.e. Paris but because we got hammered 2 nights in a row with other fans and then had one of the most fun football matches ever!

Next year perhaps Croatia for Outlook Festival, otherwise a trip to England.
Come to Norway
Estonia Tallinn in a few weeks.
im travelling to my fridge everyday
going to london the 26th or 27th october and will stay until 28th or 29th !
went to NYC for a week last summer, best week of ma life
That picture is really cool, no fixed poses or anything :)
Jesus your English is shocking thought you were Polish. If you really wanna travel save up and go to Asia, that will make you look at life so differently.
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