Ready to gain some mofo weight bitchezzzz

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schwarzenegger mode here I come
come at me brah

Pics of u now plx

and btw rather

image: 4


image: bodybuildermuscles
he should pull up his pants
what a faggot did he explode or what
Dunno, I just know he's dead, I'm not gonna read everything about a guy that doesn't wear pants.
be careful with what you say, he is a legend
would be nice to see you at lan

pic related
image: spear_02
don't got those epic genes, but still

I weigh like ~70 and bench 87kg, squat 90kg

no matter what I eat, how much, I still stay on the same weight. And since I don't wanna go like mcdonalds or pizza stuff everyday, I'll take mass gainer instead and try to make more progress

& no pics, I'm not that mirror-fag type of guy
You're not the only one not being able to gain weight, i myself have been stuck at 76 kg fucking featherweight for a while now, bench around 100-110, havent maxed squats but did 4x10 @ 100 kg this wednesday, 3x10 deadlifts @130 kg.

And tbh I'm quite getting quite sattisfied with it because I'm mostly ripped all year and progress is much easier to spot, aesthetics FTW
didn't take anything except for protein shakes for recovery and amino acids

started creatine and mass gainer last week, hope I make progress again, cuz I've been stuck at this level for about 2 months

never gonna start with roids n stuff though :P
Well gainer didnt work for me, taking 2 shakes a day like 1000 calories alone and eating 5 meals a day and nothing happened, like 1 kg (retarded metabolism?) Well I wish you luck and hope for some progress pictures in few months!
noob 200kg deadlift, squat 180, nooooooob

without straps and thing around ur belly



men nu e jag tjock så jag e mirin på alla hahaha
x10? BOOSSSSS, plus att du väger typ 200 kg, tjurjävel :D nog borde jag kunna dra 180 kanske :D

Raw alex is raw
lol, but how much do u weigh? I'm only like 70kg, featherweight as fuck
haha im at a very bad shape atm, 101kg.

been working much in late 2011, so no training at all.

started in 2012, but been sick in 3-4 weeks now.

Starting on monday again, going to stay around 90kg and try to be haard :)
and how much bench/squat/dead?
not been training now, starting monday again.

but stats have been, bench 140kg x 4, deadlift 200kg, sqaut 180
Do you have an eating schedule or not?
You can buy as much proteins, weight gain, creatine and all other supplements
but if you don't eat properly it won't work in the way you want.

These products are for adding the extra proteins, amino acids etc.
for your eating schedule to gain the extra calories for getting bulked
weightgain and protein are replacements for eating? You need to eat like 6 times a day, alot of meat, which I can't, that's why I take it

I eat twice a day, lunch and dinner, with some snacks in between
You don't need to eat 6 times a day, you can easily have 1-3 meals and still pack on mass. Well, unless you're one of those guys that is already full after 200g chicken and some oats :-) (or loads of forum posts on etc.) for more information on that topic!
& pench 115 meh
lucker, i'm fat
rape oil
nuts(hazelnuts, peanuts, walnut)

mix it, drink it!

mass gainer are just shit, just sugar in it!
and what sugar does? gg
sugar is a fast carbohydrat which gets absorbed really fast by the body.

so when ou drink your weight gainer in the morning with much sugar in it you have much fast energy for your body. but you dont need it, so its wasted. get some slow carbs for a long duration of delivered energy, that is what you want
do not want banana, nasty :(
ok no bananas but you can still make the shake

if you cant eat so much drink many shakes a day!
oh ye coz its oh so important to gain weight
Your balls will not approve.
will try creatine monohydrate aswell on next bulk

e: should make crossfire clan where people can post progress :)
Ati time for pictures, alot of talking but no proof, do you even lift? ;)))))
I don't talk alot :( No I don't lift :(
pics in pm or forever LatviaClown

pussy hähäh
started last week, really helps actually, people say it's in your mind, but still, benching goes smoother and making progress

mine are not that concentrated though. gotta take like 6/day, only taking 4/day atm, wanna progess abit when I stagnate again
good luck.. 90% of people I know didn't get any effect on creatin monohydrate.. even though they drink like 5 litres of water per day + eat like monsters.

Better try kre alkalyn or creatine ethyl ester :S
Only way to find out is to try it :)
why Better try kre alkalyn or creatine ethyl ester ???

creatin doesnt need a transport matrix
You make me hard.
That's what your mum said aswell.

Wait wat
Ohhhh. Insta-cum.
dont believe the hype
You know everything you have is useless except for the Whey, making your own gainer is much cheaper and healthier than the shit you buy. Just add oats/pb to your shakes (ice cream too if you want).
I agree.. making it yourself is cheaper and maybe healthier but it won't taste as good, you need to know which components u can mix up so that in the end its still drinkable and not eatable :D + if you plan on taking it to work with you and drink it later it's going to get complicated.
man that must have cost shitloads
only like 200€

e: but half of it is free because my dad works as teamleader of a cycling team, and gets recovery proteins and amino acids for free.
Starting with the nice workout as well now. Didn't do anything for 1 year as I had no time during army (and eating like twice a day with child menüs isn't going to give u any weight anyway).

Best Body Nutrition Omega 3 Pills
Best Body Nutrition Hardcore Mass 7000 (weight gainer.. includes creating monohydrat.. which my body doesn't accept at all.. just more farting but no weight/power :D)
Peak Pulver Glucofast (Dextrose)
Optimum Nutrition 100 % Whey Protein Gold
= 140€ .. should last for 2-4 weeks.

Never used a weight gainer but since I have less time to eat (at school I could eat the whole day but not at work :/) I will try a weight gainer. Too bed the monohydrat creating in it won't help me at all.

Can't wait for the first 2-3 months of training + weight gainer.. should be awesome :D
there is nothing good in weight gainers... srsly dont take it, they put the cheapest carbs in they can find.
and if creatine doesnt work, dont use it lol. it maybe means ur muscles already are full of carbs and water and cant gain anymore. besides there are no real studies about creatin and strenght gain if u want more power.

use ur whey protein and mix it with bananas and oats and u have a great weight gainer.
your all noobs
did u buy this after a couple years of hard training?

if yes: good boi

if no: youre stupid spending that much money on all those things when you can get almost everything out of natural food.

just my 2cents
pracced a year and 4 months about now, yes
and I can't eat like 6 times a day, so I can't get it out natural food, that's why I'm taking it.
image: stack

(old pic from last year)

Really wish I had your luxury problems with gaining weight. I could easily eat over my TDEE (around 3000 calories) in just one sitting, no need for weight gainers :-(. Really gotta watch my calorie count.
Started IF'ing on monday and so far I really like it, didn't expect it to be that easy :-)

Can finally start with very light training (40-50% of the weight I usually trained with) again after an inflammation of a tendon in my shoulder/biceps area. Probably takes another 2-4 months until it's fully recovered.
gg mit supermarkt vitamintabletten und fischölkapseln.

kauf dir anständige oder lass es damit sein.

sonst sieht mein einkauf ziemlich gleich aus, fehlt nur noch milch, kidney bohnen, erbesen und sauerkraut.
Ist wie gesagt schon etwas älter das Bild und fehlen noch sonstige Vorräte. Nehme die o3 momentan nicht mehr und die multis auch nur sehr wenig. Kidneys sind mittlerweile auch ständig im Schrank. Back damit brownies, so dumm es klingt :D

Sauerkraut? Schau ich mir die Tage mal an :o
Wie machst Du die Bohnen in den Brownie?

Ich ess total gerne Chili con carne oder ähnliches, also schönes Rinderhack mit viel Kidneybohnen ;)

Sauerkraut mag ich deswegen gerne, weil es mal was komplett anderes als grünes/rotes Gemüse ist.
Die Bohnen innen Sieb, abwaschen und etwas abtropfen lassen. Dann zusammen mit 3 Eiern, 3 EL Rapsöl, 3-4 TL Backkakao, 1 EL MQ und Süßstoff (oder Zucker/Honig wenn man darf) innen Mixer. Die Konsistenz sollte etwa so wie dicker Pfannkuchenteig sein. Dann einfach 20 Minuten oder sowas innen Ofen, je nach Dicke der Masse etc.
Man merkt zwar den Unterschied zu üblichen Mehlbrownies, aber für die Nährwerte und Inhalt sind die meiner Meinung nach schon ziemlich gut. Hab die Idee aus nem Low Carb Forum geklaut, da hatten sie Sojabohnen genommen, aber mit Kidneys gehts auch.
Vielleicht probier ichd as mal aus, allerdings fehlen hier in meiner Studentenbutze noch einige Küchengeräte...

Halte jetzt auch wieder Diät.

Startgewicht: 96,??kg

Gewicht am 30.01: 95,2kg
Gewicht am 01.02.: 94,8kg
Gewicht am 06.02.: 93,9kg

Dabei blieb die Kraft sogar erhalten, bzw. ich werde noch stärker. Was besseres gibts nicht ;)
Hab mir einfach son seltsamen Mixer irgendwo besorgt, Magic Bullet oder sowas? Hau ich alles durch und bisher läuft er noch :-D

Bin jetzt auch wieder knapp u100, dieses Intermittent Fasting klappt verdammt gut. Hatte sonst immer "Probleme" mit Sättigung und co. bei kleineren Portionen. Jetzt kann ich mir mittags so richtig die Wampe vollstopfen (vorhin knapp 1800-2000 kcal :D) und abends normal low carb (500-700 kcal) essen und nehme noch weiter ab. Herrlich. Kann damit hoffentlich auch die Ferien gut überbrücken, sonst immer ein paar kg zugenommen in der Zeit :->

Gleich mal noch laufen gehen bei dem schönen Wetter und morgen wieder "Reha" Krafttraining :-P
Gut so!

Ich handhabe das ähnlich, habe also auch eine kleine Fastezeit zwischen der letzten und der ersten Mahlzeit. Klappt auch wunderbar.

Mal sehen, wie weit wir kommen ;)

Warum Rehakrafttraining?
Hab mir vorn paar Monaten irgendwie ne Sehne im Bizeps/Schulter entzündet, konnte NICHTS mehr richtig machen mit dem Arm, selbst Schuhebinden schmerzte enorm. Hab dann seit Dezember nix mehr gemacht und musste Krankengymnastik und all so Krams machen. Tut auch immer noch etwas weh, aber ich darf wieder unter der Schmerzgrenze leicht trainieren, also 30-50% vom normalen Gewicht. Bankdrücken und andere Bewegung der Art gehen aber noch nicht wirklich. Muss da sicherlich noch 2-5 Monate warten bis es komplett verheilt ist.

Entweder rührte die Verletzung immernoch vonner anderen Schulterverletzung beim Squash vor nem Jahr oder schlechte Form/falsche Haltung über längere Zeit. Weiß es nicht so genau, aber werde da in Zukunft etwas mehr drauf achten.

Daher momentan primär Laufen und anderes Cardio als Sport und halt ein paar leichte andere Übungen :-(

E: Wo holst du denn die Erdnussbutter von der du jetzt ein paar mal gesprochen hast? Finde immer nur welche mit massig Zuckerzusatz :/
Oha, wenn die Bizepssehne erstmal zickt...hoffentlich geht das gut bei Dir!

Hab ne Bioerdnusscreme aus 94% Erdnüssen, Palmöl und Meersalz. Alles aus kontrolliert ökologischem Anbau.

Kostet bei mir im Feinkostladen(gibt da auch gut&günstig Produkte :D) ~2€ also ein guter Preis.

image: thumb_main_resize_800_800
Mal suchen gehen das Zeug, hatte immer so Bio/Feinkostläden gemieden, weil ich dachte, dass sie super teuer wären. Aber 2€ geht ja für son Glas. Danke
Ja, es gibt da auch krasse Unterschiede, manche wollen 5€ oder 6€ pro Glas haben, da sag ich dann, nein danke!

Ich mach mir die manchmal warm(also flüssig) und tu die dann ins morgendliche Haferflocken-Quark-Milch gemisch mit nem spritzer Süßstoff und etwas Zimt schmekts klasse.
good progress with if :) ?
Just started this monday and can't really train at the moment but I like it so far. Bit easier to control cals for losing weight.
wasted €uros
good luck with your training!

i will just stick with my low carb to lose weight and my usual training to look more athletic! have been gaining a little too much weight lately :P
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