Poliski talk #tzac

23:31 Swanidius tell me
23:31 Swanidius im admin

all started from this :3

23:32 illusiOFFn``` • Swanidius
23:32 illusiOFFn``` • yo
23:32 Swanidius • hi
23:32 illusiOFFn``` • i have question
23:32 illusiOFFn``` • http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=3769 look this
23:32 illusiOFFn``` • http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=774
23:32 illusiOFFn``` • and this
23:33 illusiOFFn``` • chaplja think this first account its me
23:33 illusiOFFn``` • and i have banned at CB !
23:33 illusiOFFn``` • but not at tzac
23:33 illusiOFFn``` • its bulshit
23:33 Swanidius • IF the ip matches or HW its u
23:34 illusiOFFn``` • look the first acc its my, but its stealing so i have second 2nd link
23:34 illusiOFFn``` • and im alltime play at 2nd link acc..
23:34 illusiOFFn``` • but at first acc you can see 2 others mac and ip..
23:35 illusiOFFn``` • You can compare Mac and ip two accounts
23:36 Swanidius • stealing is bad bro
23:36 illusiOFFn``` • ye i know it, but i dont steal! Subak is stealing my acc
23:36 illusiOFFn``` • first link
23:36 illusiOFFn``` • !
23:36 illusiOFFn``` • when he steal my acc i pm to chaplja but he dont answer
23:37 illusiOFFn``` • so i was have second acc, and im play at second
23:39 illusiOFFn``` • Just check ip and mac 2 accounts
23:39 illusiOFFn``` • ..
23:39 illusiOFFn``` • and you can see 2 others!
23:40 illusiOFFn``` • first is stealing
23:41 illusiOFFn``` • what do you think about that
23:42 Swanidius • I think that it matches too good for you
23:43 illusiOFFn``` • so?
23:43 illusiOFFn``` • you can help me?
23:45 illusiOFFn``` • nice, you are first guy who listen me
23:45 illusiOFFn``` &#149; :<
23:45 illusiOFFn``` &#149; so
23:46 Swanidius &#149; Im sorry but ur case is closed I cant remove ur bans foamea said that it matches
23:47 illusiOFFn``` &#149; so maybe just delate this acc
23:47 illusiOFFn``` &#149; i have older
23:47 illusiOFFn``` &#149; ..

23:38 Ufoo &#149; can help me ?
23:39 Swanidius &#149; Yes
23:39 Ufoo &#149; grrr
23:39 Ufoo &#149; i low speak english
23:39 Ufoo &#149; w8
23:40 Swanidius &#149; Oki i wait
23:40 Ufoo &#149; I play 7 years in et and never play et never bustet or never never never play hack and i dont no why bann me .
23:41 Ufoo &#149; i so bad :( and worry
23:41 Swanidius &#149; We found traces of cheats from ur account
23:42 Ufoo &#149; yes men you so tru becouse fucking kid glObe ... give me this shit i dont no wtf
23:43 Swanidius &#149; I got it now. SO globe gave you something and said to test it and it was hack and you didnt know that
23:43 Ufoo &#149; i never never play give me plz last opportunities
23:44 Ufoo &#149; glob his fucking noob .. give me for 1 play funnyy but this bot dont work my comuter ...

23:45 Ufoo &#149; and never play hack
23:47 Ufoo &#149; ?
23:47 Swanidius &#149; sorry but you hacked and we banned you
23:48 Ufoo &#149; omg fucking game fucking admin i never play omg

23:32 mskkk &#149; swanidius i got banned but dont know for what
23:32 mskkk &#149; cause i cant cheak it
23:32 Swanidius &#149; I can check it also I banned you coz cheat violations
23:32 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; what is your tzac id and ESL account?
23:32 mskkk &#149; on clanbase it says cheats but how if i dont have them?
23:32 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; what about ESL? you banned there too?
23:33 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; Swanidius can only help if you provide ESL account and tzac link
23:33 mskkk &#149; no only clanbase
23:33 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; thank god
23:33 mskkk &#149; ye i know its say on page for cheating but i didnt cheat
23:33 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; tzac id?
23:33 mskkk &#149; http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=31564
23:34 &#149; akupunktura [[email protected]] has joined #tzac
23:34 Swanidius &#149; seems that you got so many violations that i cant even believe
23:34 Swanidius &#149; so did ur entire family cheat?
23:34 Swanidius &#149; even ur dog?
23:35 mskkk &#149; no
23:35 mskkk &#149; i didn't cheat lol
23:35 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; you only cheated in some official COD matches
23:35 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; not bad
23:35 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; like 32
23:35 mskkk &#149; no one believs me i dont cheat -_-
23:35 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; I can't even believe my eyes
23:36 mskkk &#149; hmm but i got banned from the time when tzac was making me black screens ;/
23:36 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; I can't think without someone doing me a blowjob
23:36 Swanidius &#149; must be vid_Restart bug then. sorry bro we will unban you tomorrow when head admin is online
23:37 Swanidius &#149; That happens lot
23:37 mskkk &#149; yeah tahts what they said yesterday...
23:37 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; what's vid_restart in Cod?
23:37 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
23:37 Ufoo &#149; hi
23:37 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; hi
23:37 Swanidius &#149; hi
23:37 Swanidius &#149; Im ur tech support for tonight
23:37 Ufoo &#149; i heve problem big problem .. :(
23:37 mskkk &#149; hi
23:37 mskkk &#149; i was here yeasterday like for 5hrs
23:37 Swanidius &#149; all question towards me
23:37 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; I have same problem Ufoo
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; I was caught cheating by my girlfriend with some hot big ass momma
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; and now TZAC banned me
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; :<
23:38 mskkk &#149; swanidius so you'll try to unban me?
23:38 hacksaw\ &#149; :[]
23:38 Ufoo &#149; yes sure !
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; seriously
23:38 mskkk &#149; ahha
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; want link?
23:38 mskkk &#149; ;D
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=1519
23:38 Ufoo &#149; i play 7 years
23:38 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; my account
23:39 ESL|FoaMeA &#149; `Fox spoiling all the fun
23:39 mskkk &#149; i cant even check those links when i'm banned..
23:39 mskkk &#149; i play 3 years and got banned 2nd time for nothing
23:40 mskkk &#149; thats annoying
23:41 mskkk &#149; swanidius i have a question
23:42 Swanidius &#149; Yes ask me again
23:42 mskkk &#149; how to turn off something to not make black screens?
23:42 Swanidius &#149; Start tzac without cheats
23:43 mskkk &#149; o>o so funny
Swanidius best admin ever
i clicked, whats dat ?
My eyes hurts like hell now, thank you.
I just learn polengrish with this journal
I guess you didn't because of the Poland flag
he wants to protect his babys :(
ok i've just read this. :D these guys are fucking idiots. I guess 90% of Poland people banned by chaplja last time are people similar to these nerds. + their english is terrible :o0)
yea true, cba to read what some random-shit-idiots-polaks say. :D
23:47 illusiOFFn``` &#149; so maybe just delate this acc
23:47 illusiOFFn``` &#149; i have older

23:43 Ufoo i never never play give me plz last opportunities
23:44 Ufoo glob his fucking noob .. give me for 1 play funnyy but this bot dont work my comuter ...

Poland Ufo was my favourite
Quotestfu in esl didn't this match i don't play this and i protest it in admin!!!!
stop posting 9gag shit
this BECAME 9gag shit, not originally from 9gag! so stop hating
Haha, that was good!
glob his fucking noob .. give me for 1 play funnyy but this bot dont work my comuter ...

we have a winnar here
gives me headache reading their super shit english

e: oh and the troll of the week goes tooooo? Swanidius
oh sample, i miss you :3
Hahah xD honestly the best post 2012 YET! so funny i almost fell of my chair :D
Ah respect for standing that not english bs
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