Friiday morning!

Jej, it is a weekend again! How great is that? Though some of us have had it for few days already, but let's not get into that, Germany wsk will get mad.

I am feeling kinda like this now:

image: me_on_fridays

So because of that, I shall play the song of our people!

Muchos love to everyone, get your asses out today!

EDIT: How awesome is that otter while playing the song :D
morning? seriously? already?
fuck morning, Im going to bed, cu

btw amazing music, put it in my playlist for when I wake up, thx!
Well, it is morning, look at the clock. Needed to make the journal, everyone went to bed & home, so ronery :/
Jeeeej, weekend!

Just came home from work (22:00-06:00), ate a sausage roll(or is it a frankfurter? zlol) and going to eat a "smos" cheese now!
After that I'll play some LoL and then i'll go to bed.
Tonight there is a hardstyle party in NOXX antwerp, gonna be great!
Tomorow night "carnaval" party in the neighbourhood.
Sundaynight going back to work ^^

(meh, doesn't work anymore in journals? :o)
Stop playing LOL.

Been in touch with your brother recently?
ya, he was here for a few days couple (2 or 3?) weeks ago.
He's doing oke, drinking bears and stuff.
Are we talking about the same guy :D Story checks out for the guy I thought, he is becoming a Finland etc, sleeping late and hangover etc.
Got my first warning at the job for not showing up wednesday after I got too drunk to wake up.

Btw, bounce is doing a really bad job representing the Fins here. More than 1 month here but not drunk once! And all the other Fins are pretty boring people too! Where are the cool Fins?
I was drinking bear yesterday!
sure. Where is the proof?
2-3 weeks ago? Christmas has been gone a bit longer ;-p
Next day when i slept 3h... im going to be late at school. Fuck this shit im not a fucking robot.
just arrived at work after not having slept much because of the NC match vs USA last night :(

ET serious business

altho yes it feels so good its friday when im like this
fuuhuuuu im in class till 5.30
im going home now cu later :ppp
Gotta give a swedish presentation about guitars in 1.5 hours. No notes allowed, will be challenging. :D
Guitarren är mycket trevlig at spela!

After that, do this:
Gitarren ;) Nå jag sjungs "Vill ha dej" av Frestyle i slutet :) Alla gillade jättemycket!

Nothing can get me MAD today cause its friday!!!!!

why are you in such a good mood? you got laid? :D

girlfriend is ill, so I probably wont do anything all weekend long. but that is good, its time to relax!
Gonna get kebab when kebabplace opens, then coming home, play LoL couple hours and go to bed and sleep whole day
Just arrived at work, booted up my computer and got my standard cup of tea (with milk!) to help me wake up. Promises to be a quiet day, I hope I'm not wrong.
I got to take the train today. Worst moment of the week..
Testweek, going to make History + Economics now!

jij en history :DDDDDDD:X:D:D:D
kaulo makkelijk! xx
snowy and coldy weekend incoming.

no school today cos closed due to being very low temparatures
well like -18 in the morning or -20
and in afternoon like -13
and school closed :( i was building house today and it was -20 degrees :o
yea, but here if the temperatures are very low (-16 ;-20) on daytime for atleast 2 days
the schools are closing

i bet u were building the house without a jacket :D
Hell no =D We were only playing poker and drinking coffee :D
have my last exam today, so when I finish it, if I feel I wrote it good then tonight partying to death, if I don't write it good I'll drink out of sadness. so win win.

anyways -20 outside, sunny for now. they said snow at the afternoon. I hate snow and I hate cold so that pisses me off.

Good thing is now when I write this exam I'm free till march, more or less, so that makes me feel GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!

drinking coffee, brb
That's like watching football, you know you can drink hard. If you win, celebrate, if you lose, drink away the pain!
hahha idd +1
got 2hours of philosophy and then im in vacation for 2 weeks. drinking coffee and smoking atm
Weekend is awesome. Just woke up, gonna clean myself up for a bit now, then start packing for Swedeeeeen! Going on a "cruise" trip with my gf for 3 days and shit. So if any Swedish ET nerds want to meet me, come by the Stockholm port around 10.00-11.00 tomorrow and wave with a huge ET logo, I'm going to find you then.

Mornings ftw! Weekends suck :)
first day after exams period,feels good :D
Trying to cure myself from flu, fever and cancer.
Baby cried all night :( for some days now, is it friday allready :d

have a great weekend everyone :)
installed win7 ulitmate 64 friday highday
Moi Thomm Ö_Ö
My weekend started last week and still going strong!
I'm siiiiiiiiiiiiiiick :(
Suppose to work tomorrow and Sunday, but will maybe call in sick.. meh!
Selling my sexophpne tonight, yai! :)

image: tumblr_lz14upd5xg1qgatu7o1_500
Otter in perfect sync with song :D love it!
awesome song from awesome movie!
Friday off, no school

Will do some ladder 1on1 SC2 games and then make some homework, tonight football and idk then : )

Blues brothers YEAH!
holy shit i got a massive hangover
That happens when you go to a Grind
Some friends coming from my hometown to my uni city to party.

Tommorrow @ 9.30 going to a "Winter-camp for 2 days" with my coursemates and other geographers. Gonna be nice drinking camp.
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