TERA online

anyone playing? It's a new game, still in test phases n shit, its way better than world of warcraft, the graphics are insane and its insanely populated.

wow > terra nova
cant find how much will the monthly payment be
lotro>wow>tera :D
yeah, are you playing lotro? :O
yeah sometimes^^
u too or what? :D
yep:) haven't played after RoI though. I have 2 lvl 65 chars on snowbourn[EU] with full OD set =P how about u?
WHAT THE FUCK, I play the game for 2days. I have 1 char on vanyar DE lvl 20^^
u need stable internet and skill for it
didn't you say the same about that other random retarded ass mmporg you played with luna a year or so back? :< what was it, BoI? Something with B anyway.
Battle of the Immortals = BoI = crap game after you notice these childish mongol tracks
Need invite mayneee
Looks wicked :D
u can't really play it with your bad internet :P
like l2
>implying random mmorpg is better than wow
date for open beta release date?
Wow > * any mmo eventho its made for kids and braindead people nowadays
nothing beats wow, too many years of content development.
the political system in TERA sounds totally impractical and for 24/7 nerds.
all races expect 2 look incredibly gay.
the fight system is supposed to be new and interesting but doesnt actually bring anything new to the table.

looks faggishly asian and minor change in mechanics dont change anything

will fail hard
WoW wotlk > all other mmo-s
www.abyssal-wow.com hf
looks nice gimme key :D
Focus on NC omgomg
got a key, the gameplay is so awesome, i love it

mmos really needed changes and this is a great one
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