BF3 anyone?

Looking for some mature folks to play BF3 during weekends (in army weekdays). Don't have B2K, but I might buy it for CO-OP's/Assignments soon. More fan of TDM/Rush. Big bonus if your good with attack/transport helicopters, ez xp!
Conquest = TDM with a Domination twist, but TDM = fucking shit.
In conquest levels play too much role, fully equipped attack helicopter makes total difference. TDM best fast xp and weapons level-up which is what I'm doing at the moment. I like Rush too, but prefer TDM for different classes levelling and getting weapons important parts.
Why would you need "fast XP"? You only need 200 to 400 kills with a gun to get all the attachments (and you don't need most of them anyway).

Besides, the standard weapons for Assault/Engineer are some of the best guns around.
im so shit in it that im playing 64players conquest large metro only with medic and m320. owning hard everytime with 1500tickets or more.I like the level up shit
yeah noobtube is fun on 64 metro when its allowed

1 shot 5-10 kills easyy

tho there are some nerds who know some good trick shots like they stand on one place and just fire them noobtubes in one spot and finish the game 60/1
ak-74M(was it M?) is the best shit ever
Incredibly accurate, but low rate of fire puts it out of business medium to close range.
m16 and aek all the way?
saw alot of metroonly nerds with m16 nerding hard
winghaven says aek is best
but he cheater
only playing rush :DDDD ANYONE PLAYING ON PS3?
shaaQ sup
will be avi around 21h or 22h maybe
gtfo with those journals already.
Frop dont reply, do ur job.
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