Friday night!

Wai hello thar crossfire.

How was/is your friday night?

Myself I did something different this friday and actually stayed home and filling my stomach with this awesome beer
image: LIlZQ
Sol beer with a piece of lime in the neck of the bottle!

Shame that I only can afford this beer when im not going to bar/club. 2,19euros in local stores. Hurrrrrdurrrr.

Earlier today I went to eat some kebab with ma mates

After that we went to drink a beer in local pub and playing some cards.

After that i've been just chillin' home drinking couple of beers and playing some LoL/ET, watched new episode of Jersey shore of course AND the new episode of tbbt.

SO HOW WAS/IS YOUR FRIDAY NIGHT?(Repeating the question is important)

Song of the night:

How fucking awesome is this?
Been listening THPS OSTs aswell and feeling super happy :-)

image: gbwsR

Browsing youtube and this epic track from thps2 popped up on my face

brb getting my ps1 and thps2
How did you get a picture of my girlfriend?
Why would your gf take that kind of pictures of herself? :|

I think your girlfriend is a slut.
Was meant for me only, she prob got hacked.
Yeah, I read on the internet that many 16-22year old girls gets hacked nowadays.
Not sure if true but I trust the internet.
Good bro, you can keep the picture tho. I'll have a talk with her later.
Whatever she says shes probably lying so remember to have enough power in your punch.

Better if you dont listen to her at all. Just give a nice punch and she will behave in future.
And if she doesent you know how to teach her in the future.

EDiT: Good luck, im off to bed.
fuck off, i cant even play LoL atm without bluescreening

i was watching the LoL Pro Invitational all night + solomid vids
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