War movies & bitches

Need some cool war movies, prefer movies with swords & bow's, fuck guns. Downloading Alexander atm

Some bitches for crossfire
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play more bio
You only know "1" ?:(
ill give u a list, want to edit it for me?

thought so motherfucker
cant believe u actually did it loL
Lold he's one of them obviously, tsihihihi
1 is the best! oh wait..
uh oh, i see some niples
Hero one of the best sword movies -- hf
Download Band Of Brothers and win.

+ Forrest Gump and Saving Private Ryan.
Robin Hood, Ironclad, ninja assassin, ong bak 1-3, Ipman 1-2(best martial arts movies)...
yeah ip man is great too !!
lord of the rings!
If you run naked around a tree, at about 87 km/h, there is a possibility of fucking yourself.
QuoteAge: 31 ( 7 July 1980 )
dont know why it says 7 july is actually 6 july.

found any good movies?

how is your arm wrestling?
300 and LOTR
low+ chicks
52 because yet i can't be disappointed 8D
42 ! :DDDD
Some of those chicks are fucking ugly.
Lol alexander is mainly about homosex and emo alexander.
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