Clayman Incorporated: MW3

Modern Warfare 3: INCORPORATED

One of the best mw3 edit

Great music, frags, colors, sync,...

ps: too much ffa imo

finally a GOOD CoD movie...
dont like music
Love the music
movie is good but seriously this game is....
The song is extremely annoying and this game looks so fucking ridiculous
after just playing BF3. So sad they have not really improved it since the 3rd part. And still laughing when I see proners in Battlefield 3, they doing the same thing like they did in cods but I'm happy bcause much easier to hs them. God bless cod.

p.s.: that quickscoping is a fucking joke.
watched 1st frag, not even putting scope and making kills. Closed
where is the great music u mentioned? :(
The Unguided - Collapse my Dream

Afaik most guys are from Sonic Syndicate in this band, cba to do any research.
The game itself is so easy and enemies are barely doing nothing.

Pretty nice editing, nice config (colors), lack of sync and music could have been better.
what a shit game...
no recoil? wtf
everyfucking noob is good in cod
quali good
sync good
frags horrible :x
Actually when u pub almost every player u come up against sucks ass, i'm a cod noob and still it's darn easy to own pubs, way easier than in ET.
it is actually a decent game imo. first 2 hours are bullshit and after that your hooked
shit music is fucking shit
what a fucking terrible game.. spray and pray bullshit, so fucking dumb.
sniper triples are pretty cool

other is meh
any1 used fov changer?
can you get banned for it eheh yes?
play on promod,
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