PC Software

Looking for some new antispyware, registry cleaner, temp files cleaner, anti malware etc software

atm im rolling with defragler CCcleaner and avast
Antivirus: the dont_be_a_retard method ( downloading cracks, cheats etc. ) and otherwise microsofts security essentials would do fine as a free solution
Temp files: CCleaner
Defrag: Build in defrag utitlity, third party apps do not know how to optimize the file system properly.

Tune Up utilities 2012 (improves my fps alot because of the turbomode!)
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
RAMrush (whenever ram seems fucked up i just click one button and it feels like the computer restarded - eventho a restart is still the better solution :P )
how do u set up Tune up utilities ? Cus it's get slower the priority of ET ! :D
Using exactly same :D
and how do you "feel" when your ram is fucked up?
when everything seems slower
yea but how do you know its your ram? Could be anything.. corrupted windows, bad hard drive, somethin up with the cpu

or CCleancer
microsoft security essentials
CleanUp! better than CCleaner
microsoft security essentials
spywareblaster ( preventive blacklist )
Symantec Endpoint Protection

I don't need anything more. And defragmentation don't do it on SSD.

Optimizing registry mostly doesn't have much effect, the best way to go is to make a image or backup from a standard installation and put it back every 3 months. Or just reinstall.
i read somewhere else the point that there is something wrong with defrag. + ssd

can you explain me why/wats the problem with it???
You don't need to defrag a SSD, it would shorten the life of drive, Windows uses TRIM fro SSD's, google it to know what it is.
Not using antivirus since that piece of shit software is blocking everything I wanna use:D
Just be smart and you wont get virused, scan with https://www.virustotal.com.
Antivirus: Download the real ESET Smart Security trial version. Use http://skynod.blogspot.com.au/ or any other frequent updated website to get your Username and Password. If these were to be black listed
just search the username ex. "EAV-58069177" on Google and you will find many others! This is legit for you and you don't have to spend anything for something that is free when using this method :D.

Temp files: CCleaner probably the most satisfying program I've used.

Defrag: If you are using Windows 7 I would recommend the one which came with it.

e. This is light weight for your CPU and RAM. So stick with this if you want to play safe while gaming.
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware + Microsoft security essentials ftw
Avira with a patch installed to disbale the annoying popup, CCleaner, and Spybot3
panda for antivirus
ccleaner for cleaning
win 7 normal defrag
only MSE
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