Clanbase matchreports


Am i the only one missing matchreports from clanbase?

The good old matchreports with SS of end results, some lines about important incidents during the game etc..

During Nationcup back in the good old days, clanbase had allmost always someone who wrote a matchreport, but now i cant see that they have any reports at all.

I miss it:/

image: 0hxG7
25 matchreports > the rest <3

But ye, would be nice to read those, someone (else) should start to make those.

EDIT: For Finns (sure, why not for others), someone did some digging and found archive,
onks niitä viel tallella jossain?
Koetin googlailla jotain google-archiveä, ei oo kuin vuosi tai kaks kun joku linkkaili. En osannu :(
obv you should make it
Ah, good old days where I wasted half my evening writing a report that was only read by a handful of people.
i read it ;/
they were nice.
we still greatly appreciate your effort!!!
Ah, insignia cadre. My most favourite team to write about.
Seems like a great opportunity for you to contribute, if you need any help feel free to contact me.
I used to love reading match reports and I think they're a great piece of coverage for big games. If you look back at Battle For Berlin: - that newspost took me a few hours but a lot of people seemed to appreciate it.

We'll be looking to run a Battle For Berlin 2 very soon and if we can get some additional help then there's no reason we can't continue to produce quality coverage.
Me and Nightraven started them again for last years NationsCup or was it the one before already?

Anyway, yes they are nice indeed, but they are so plain and not really eye-catching on CB that it wasn't worth the effort put in to write a report for every game as we did, yes we did get some extra hits and a few comments, but lets be honest, the only people who saw or commented where those who played in the match or people like Kamz and Belgians who appreciated the effort we put into it.

If only each player could get a score from 1-10 and a sentence about his performance they would be SO MUCH more interesting than a wall of text, but CB is an old site, CF is the way to go.
Well making an overview of last weeks match reports on cf seems great or just keep 1 updated and sticky it in the 'other news'
Funny how the most hated ones are the ones that appreciate most ;o
I thought that people cba of reading those, i wrote a couple back in the day
Kamz video report best ->

This was awesome indeed.
Its hard to make those though :P
If u pay me, I will make awesome reports every time!
Maybe the matchreports should be written somewhere here in crossfire for more attention or whatsoever
I miss matchreports like this:

ET needs some drama! can we remove pronedelay plz? :((
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