situation critical

lol back from teh theory exam(driving), got 7 mistakes out of 60 questions which means i failed, only 6 mistakes is allowed

1 mistake? situation critical son i feel retarded :)


dunno what to comment so here's a new photo of Cooller
image: z_84c673ef
less quake, more pussy

like a boss
car theory?
Pasted it last week had 65 questions seperated in 2 parts
25 about danger recognition where you are allowed to have 12 faults (only cause most of the questions are debateable) and the other part had 30 questions about trafic in general and 10 about insight/good view what's happening.

had 3 faults in the first part and 0 in het second part.
nice for you
Thanks, good luck on your next exam tough!
Forever public transportskill
theory exam for driver license? muahaha!
2+ years ago i did it with 30 correct answers, out of 30 possible :) 1.5weeks hard study and a lucky exam ^^ My question were kinda average and specific to normal cars, corrected 2 answers while doing a "last read", tadaaaaaa ^^

better luck next time
well i studied basically few full nights before the test, and failed in simple questions in which i was 100% sure.

logical ones were ez, still think coffee makes you less exhausted (right answer is that it doesn't help at all, pauses in driving a long distance and doing little exercise helps, but not coffee) <- that was the mistake which failed it all , easiest one i mean
lulz yeah, sometimes u can't go with the logical way for you :P some stuff doesn't make sense but it's just the way it is!
1.5 weeks hard stuy? are you serious? must be troll.
depends how u see it lol. It took me 3 years to decide to signup for the exam because the theory was too boring. My parents did the signup for me and said "u have 1.5 weeks to learn enough to pass.", so yeah in 1.5 weeks i had to learn everything. How? basically attending to daily lessons for 1 week, then 0.5 weeks of home-exams n stuff.

Just for the record, people don't learn enough to get 100% correct answers from nowhere ;) Study gave me results ^^
I studied one night before the test and got 27/30 .
You guys are too good and awesome :D I hated the theory lessons or study to it, sooo boring.. took me 3 years to decide to study :D
.....Son I am disappoint

if you would pro like me you would get hammered the day before driverslicense test..both theory and driving! Only take 2 drivers lessons and still pass like a boss on first try <3
you have awesome body, awesome car, awesome knowledge which took you only 2 driving lessons

you are so awesome igge, you are my awesome idol

fucking awesome.
awesome body +1.

Random car and alot of practise cuz my dad was not willing to pay much for my driverslicense so i had to practise driving like 5 days a week :D

But ur awesome to <3
wel i failed at first theory exam aswell ;) had also 1 point to much :(

next time i passed easy :>
I have completed it 4 times and passed every time.
leave it then.
some people are not meant for driving. you aint even german so chances are youd suck at it anyway.
haha, fail in life gg
thx for the shorruyken-out!
Passed the theory in 1 try.
Failed my practical exam twice already because "I look too much".
Next exam will be in a few weeks I guess..
protip:Kijk bewust
if you just got a little bit of brain, you can pass this car theory shit without learning
true, passed it on 100%, no stress
too bad :P I had to do it 2 times aswell so no problem
Not sure how people fail on that
Had everything correct and only learned 1 day... :D
But I had super easy questions and stuff you remember like driving with 160 km/h burns 35% more fuel than 130 km/h...

A friend of mine f*cked up his practical because he ignored the red light just 150m in front of his destination. That was the last hurdle where you could possibly fail and he failed.

We had a woman who had 80+ hours, too... crazy! She failed in the theoretical exam where I passed. :D
passed my theory exam with 3 mistakes

like a fucking boss

you'll do it son, Im sure about it
Theory is piece of cake, gl with it though. Next time you'll pass it like a baws!
thats harsh! good luck next time!
Passed mine 8 years ago!
theory exams? study?

lol, i red the book 1 time and passed it from the first time with 4 mistakes. It's all obvious, how can anyone fail :D.
bitch please, easiest test I ever wrote
don't get ur troll sorry
its not a test with writing:S
well it was on 15.07.2008. when I WROTE it

they switched the test to computers last year

after all croatia is a 3rd world country, so u shouldn't have been surprised even if I had to bring my own paper to the test :D
I see, still strange imo. Wasn´t aware of that..
Didn't even study and passed on the 1st try.
60 questions?
In america there is 20 questions and you can make 5 mistakes LOL
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