What re u planning for valentinesday?

Hey cfnerds with girlfriends.
What are your plans for today?
Prolly one of you has a great idea i can use.

Atm plan is like shes gonna come hom from work, i m gonna cook sth for her and if she survives it, were gonna have seks.

Any other idea which is different from buying a pack of candy?
think i'll have kfc and take a nap
bought her an expensive gift so she feels obligated
and now instead of cca 3 times a week she's gonna raise it up to 5 times a week for the next 2 - 3 months. brilliant idea I know :D
Made a card for a friend though it wasnt a valentines_thingie and gave it yesterday. But car is a card, close enough, right?

Planning to spend the evening with bd-buddies, celebrating our leaders birthday.
BD buddies sounds awfully like backdoor buddies. Which sounds awfully....
You sir, are correct!
Will see her this weekend when we will take the boat to Kiel from Oslo, so party hard at night
image: If%20you%20know%20what%20I%20mean.
My girl is at work, already talked to the boss i will be picking her up at 1 a clock ( she dont know that )

ofc giving this flowers when picking my gf up, then we are going to a spa treatment, massages, different face fixing stuff etc etc and then a 4 course dinner.

After the dinner we got a outside bath with hot water and with chocklate and drinking, after that up to the hotell and sleep over :)
sounds nice, enjoy!!!
work all day (forever alone)

im all alone playing pc, telling irc-friends to have good day and all
keep the mamba jamba up dude
aint that how you spend the 364 other days too? :D

fukc u virgin
fukc u virgin nerd
where the fukc that chlamydia came from

image: Wondering
you were wanking with dirty hands i guess :/
I heard u are not an anal virgin.
heard u neither, owned.
Same for me :D
roses are red
violets are blue
vodka costs less
than dinner for two

forever alone because no gf atm ;(
btw wrote first exam today and i ROCKED. had 60 minutes time and finished after 13 minutes ;););););) i ownednedned
must be one hell of a school/university ;)
i was just good ;)

pracced a lot for it!
if someone can finish a 60minute exam in 13minutes the level obviously is way too low
i was just pro and answered all questions without thinking ;P
just cause you never learn for exams :P
I learn a bit. :S
I'm just to demotivated to learn the stuff until you memorize everything.
gonna act all evening long as if my girlfriend really existed and pretend to be offline doing romantic things.

note to self: don't open msn/irc.
Nothing bcoz my GF thinks this whole valentine thing is fake :)
I like her already. Lucky you!
She just says that. But wait when her friends talk about their bf-things and analyze your relationship and your actions. Oh boy, you are in trouble. Go and buy something, as a gesture at least. Or make the dinner or something that you don't normally do.
Well I'm gonna buy her something small, but believe me nothing bad would happen if I didn't. Its not our first valentine day, every year she say to me " you know I don't celebrate this day " :D
going out to dinner with my girlfriend, i don't find this day any special but she likes it
studying shit mathematics and play game in the eve
Nothing, we don't think it's anything special. If you need 1 day in the year to show your "loved" one you appreciate him/her, you're doing it wrong. :)
sounds jewish
oh shit is that today
pathetic pieces of shit :D
I wrote dave a sweet message :$
Isn't that what everybody secretly wants to do?
fuck all day all night
The most useless event of the year , just comercial profit. Dont celebrate it , its shit.
watching football with my girlfriend and gonna order pizza

flowers send so all happy i guess
Think ill play et.
When she finishes work, she's coming over, we gonna watch Lucky Number Slevin (finally, been pushing her for weeks), then gonna give her my present, then sex, then Leverkusen - Barcelona. Then she going home, I start xboxing.
maybe have sex with the lights on.. its only 1 time in a year, meh..
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