my fragmovie is best

sup my friends just came from outside from cinema with my m8s high as fuck and drunk.

take a look at the best et fragmovie that i made

if you dont like it you are not normal

im singin in the video , its my new hit of the song called "hare krishna" which was very popular and good song back in the 90's.

what did you do today

see ya guys
150 dmg every multikill
"Yo bro, you so cool, coming from cinemas and shit, high and drunk and fucked up yo"
fucking shit movie get life low fucks learn to aim , even my granny with foot aims better
haaare krishnaaaaa
shit movie , low frags , bad quality not even good , dont know why even bother of makin it
eat a dick
it was actually fucking shit lol
sry but it wasnt that good as i expected mate :(
man ure not even medskilled...
enjoyed it somehow lol, must be the cool music.
What's with the fast mouse move in 1:05?
hare kishna ? scrubs ?
selfbust at 1:05
wtf your tracking sucks :))

bad player :P
your movement is really strange
obvious self-bust at 1:05, 5:17 and 6:10.
I play without hitsounds and hear more tings than in this movie >.>
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