Mass Effect 3

Just played the Demo and it seems even my laptop can run that game ( who care then it's msicx623 with 1 ghx nvidia 310m)

I liked it, got the story, which will be the main plot and the side story as well.

Hope it's gonna be a nice game.:)
Crossfire 3.2 - An online diary
why is it an online diary?

I gave useful information that my laptop(which isnt high-end) ran the game with some FPS lag + you also(the ones who care about it at least) got to know that Mass Effect 3 demo is out.
it wasnt useful information now go suck some cock
We all know it was.
Gonna Download it now, although I dont like origin.
It's very nice, it feels more like the first one. I think its going to be the best ME so far.
lol played 2 missions

best me so far
gonna wait for full version anyway ;p
and again ppl will cum all over the internet over a shit game, just like they did about skyrim
Mass Effect > every other game > your comment
image: bitch-please

Dragon Age: Orgins[last good rpg made by BW] > any Mass Effect [shittest "rpg" made by BW... but DA2 is very close]
dude mass effect series is great :O
maybe it is... if u like games designed for stupid&lazy ppl who prefer epic story than hardcore gameplay experiance...
So what's wrong to have a story behind a game rather than just push some buttons all the fucking time?
let me guess:
you have never played me1? that was a proper rpg and yes, you are right, in me2 the rpg element was limited a lot to please a more casual and broad audience. me3 wont change that
MAss Effect isnt RPG.

It's 3rd person shooter.

Compare the game to Gears of War or other 3rd person shooters. Thank you :)
afaik mass effect 1 was rpg?
Well, it was a mixture. There was still 3rd person shooting involved.

and 3rd person shooters mostly are mixture between RPG and FPS. :)
QuoteMAss Effect isnt RPG.

It's 3rd person shooter.

could you please go be stupid somewhere else? cause you dont even know what genre mass effect is...

Quote Third-person shooter (TPS) is a genre of 3D action games in which the player character is visible on-screen, and the gameplay consists primarily of shooting.


QuoteThe Mass Effect series combines action role-playing game elements, with the main series games being in third-person perspective.

Now, go fuck yourself even more, trying to be smart when you have no idea about things.
Quote by wikiMass Effect is an award-winning, bestselling series of action role-playing video games

role playing game = rpg... both 1st and 2nd part were advertised as RPG games, which are obviously not... plus they shit
you know what cRPG is or not rly lolz
Use rather your own brain than copy what other people said/wrote. ME isn't really RPG but 3rd person shooter mixed with RPG elements. It never was meant to be RPG but something between action and role-playing when you can devenlope your character as you wish but still have load of actions like regular shooter. For RPGguy (like you) it appears to be dumb because it isn't RPG but shooter...

E: actually even in your quote isn't anything about RPG...
you obviously dont know what rpg means, or ur just as stupid as infect

i dont care if its action rpg, or just shit rpg... its not RPG, eventho it was promoted as role playing game, since the beggining...

just think about it... what TPP game uses active pause system? the game was made as rpg... and its rather shit
That's what I'm talking about, it's not RPG :D. Dunno about you maybe in Poland game journalist don't know what RPG is but I knew for beginnig it's not RPG or atleast not pure RPG. Don't blame developers but journalist for making confusing statements about game genre :). Action role-playing =/= RPG. And why do you even give a shit about how it is promoted? If you are smart enough or atleast hardcore RPG player as you "promote" yourself than you should knew it from beginnig it's not RPG :D.

Maybe ME is shit, I don't know never played it but judging game by obviously incorrect genre is a bit off. I hate CoD and its gamestyle but it meant to be like this and I respect that someone like this gamestyle. ME is mixture of shooter and RPG and it was made to be like this, even in ME2 it's more about action/less character development than his predecessor so dunno what's your problem.
if u didnt notice almost every game got character developement features now...

however ME fits into -> travel, get quests, companions, equipment scheme, which is typical for rpgs since they exist on pc games... how many lines of text it got? MassEffect IS a rpg game, and for me very poor...

And i care because of its world wide succes, that made my DA2 shit... And there is a chance that DA3 will be shit aswell, just because of casual gamers who dont want to spend hours just to find perfect combination of equipment and party...
Yea exactly, every game has somekind of character development and I'm aware of it. And it was my point that it isn't a brand mark for RPG. :D
And which RPG has shooting, cover system, autoheal? As I mentioned before ME has some RPG elements (which is weaked version compare to real RPGs) but it has elemets which is not typical for RPG aswell and it makes its own genre (action role-playing).

Dunno what's the relation between ME and DA o_O. Sry that's something I don't understand what are you talking about so probably I'll talk shit but hasn't it already got many angry responds from gamers? Look at Metacritics why would BW still continue in unseccesful game like DA2 if they knew the key majority of buyers (RPG players) will hate it? And DA and ME are completely different games as far as I know...?

E: Never mind it's no use to argue on internet about video games (quite bizarre isn't it? :D). Keep your opinon that ME is shit, I respect it, Cheers (:
God you are so stupid:D Why did I even bother replying to you when you cant read or havent played the game.
i did play it... for liek 5 minutes... worst gaming experiance ever...
With 5 minutes you wont get any feeling what so ever, haha :D

You are dissing a game you dont know anything about. Nice one.

You are just stupid. Easy as that. Go continue your work on the construction now.
5 minutes is enough if ur smart, like me... this whole dialog wheel was so casual, i couldnt stand it...

tbh i dont care, you can play and enjoy games made for stupid and lazy ppl, who prefer to watch epic cutscenes than play by themselfs
Yeah, those person's who say they are smart they usually are. I believe you now.
Every other person is incorrect then. My bad.
i didnt say ur incorrect, stop over interpreting my words... for me its shit, and i know lots of guys like you will fall for game thats not game, but interactive movie
And Dragon Age was also a shit game. So what's your point ?
ur dumb fuck, thats my point
My intelligence is way beyond you :D So please, go back to your construction site :)
sorry to ruin your dreams but DA was shit as well
not if you like oldschool "baldurs gate" alike games which quite frankly were the biggest and best in the genre. get ur facts straight newfag
i spent more time playing only bg1 and 2 than you playing all the rgps and i say DA is fucking shit compared to em, so its you who should get your facts straight shit lover
oh i am pretty sure i played more BW games than you. anyhow if you really did i cant imagine how you can not appreciate their effort to make such a game in the modern market. they made a proper game and only when they worked on DA2 they couldnt resist to fall into the newage console traps and ruin the game.
i blame mass effect for da2 downfall... ME sold better than DA:O, thus they made similar game... bad choice id say
so many potentially great great games got owned by the companies financial departments.
DAO was a glimpse of the past, of such epic games as Planescape: Tournment, Fallout1&2, Baldurs Gate, KoTORs, NWN2... good old rpg games...

ME is newage rpg, made for stupid console american kids
as for me there is no comparison between bg and da not to even mention planescape
Haha, I played DA. It wasnt interesting at all :D
well i wasn't much playing it for the story, but to be fair - it was a nice game and actually challanging in the beginning on the hardest level^^

yet nothing can beat fallout *_*
I mostly played it for the story. The shooting was fun and all, but the story and choices you could make, made it fun for me at least.
wow, thats a glorious comment, approved :)
i really disliked the demo.
it doesnt look any better than me2 (thx console fags) and the scripted story telling is way too try hard.
we will see and as me franchise has been on steam sale recently im already working on my char (me1 imported to me2 and then to me3).
Well you cant really make a story without offending anyone. That's why it might seem quite superficial sometimes.
"omg its 2012 we need to start our game like any generic action movie. get the guys to script a slowmo scene where an object rolls towards shepard at high speed and then barely rolls/jumps over him"

20minutes of the same shit -> uninstall demo
the end of the demo was pretty EMOTIONAL dude, how can you have no emotions? :<

and i like that it doesnt look much better than me2, because at least my pc can run it smoothly :3
cba to ask admin to cahnge it, im just going to wait until i can do it myself
<3 mass effect. was going to play the demo on console but my xbox live ran out :'(
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