metro 2033 fear the future

I recommend you to play this game if u like dead space / bioshock series

awesome game

would like to read the book also :(

topi(=t0psu) is a nerd fatfag cause saying no to Hullu Pullo cause he has ET prac with (2e/drink days)

Im le bored

oh and the game trailer:
Playing Deus Ex Human revolution at the moment, also a nice game!
great game, indeed. would rather compare it to stalker though :). sequel is coming!

edit: alan wake will be released on steam tomorrow!
just saying cause its pretty much horror fps as dead space / bioshocks :P
true. loved the run down subway stations where the people live which added a lot to the overall atmosphere.
the only bad thing were those fights against tons of mutants by the end of most missions. had run out of ammo already most of the time :D
i hated the part where the 'monkeys' were coming all over the place - heard afterwards you could avoid them by just looking at them and walking calmly :D they took like million bullets before they died :(
stalker is open world. metro a corridor shooter. its a great game but nothing compared to stalker.
seems nice, maybe i will give it a shot
would buy it if there was monsters only

then i saw another déja vu FPS game, cba to waste money in it, even tho this game looks quite nice
download it then
have the book, cba reading it :<
had bad performance + didnt like it much = uninstall
smooth for me even when i had old shitty GTX 260 @ 1920 res
loved playing it.
i find it hard to compare to bioshock... i love bioshock but i don't really go for stalker/metro.
Just saying the fact it's horror fps game and so are dead space and bioshock. Okay maybe it's more like call of cthulhu but then again not :)
waiting for far cry 3 tbh :)
maybe firstly read book? :>
book ten time better, but u need to know how to read :O
that's hard in those times
well can not go back in time and read the book first when i have finished the game already :(
i finished the book yesterday, how to read, what do u mean?
yea it was fun :O)
yeh its good, nice graphics and atmosphere, hm there is a book - interesting
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