Library Cup today!

image: ruuuu7bckmrq

We need still 2teams more to start the cup, would be awesome if we find them till today/evening to not cancel it :-)

6v6 #Library.cup
Thursday, 16th February
Check-in starts at 19.30 CET!
1st Round: Library& Library
2nd Round: Library & sw_Grush_te
(3rd Round: Library & Missile)
Final: Library and loser choice
remove missile :|
Wont get played if only 8 teams going to play this cup :)
yea, but even if so it's still there waiting behind the corner! it's wide which is very good, though. ofc if I would need to choose between braun, delivery, frost and missile I'd say missile is easily the best of those :d I think the last stage is awesome in it, but something isn't right before it.
gieeef more feedback. Working on beta4 slowly but distinctly :D
first stage was mostly nice if i remember correctly.
though the obj run can be a real pain, because the shortest way is more or less easy to defend and a mine or two do the job for the farest exit.

leaving most of the time the upper entrance to the objective. though you can't let him go there alone since that way is easily covered by a single person.

so if you happen to send another one with him it's even easier for the maingate to defend leaving yet another one spare for the upper entrance, making it even harder to get the obj through that way. IMO and AFAIR
AVi for the mix
gl with this scatman
3on3 or it wont happen
6 teams atm. hopefully more will signup
avi, /q zaNc
Will try to get professional hardcore addictive gayming Esports club since 2008
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