FreeSpace 2 / FreeLancer

any similar game out there, just with up-to-date graphic engine?

loved playing FreeSpace 2 & Freelancer back in the days... were great games with no strict line how to play the game, you could be freelancing through the space doing what you like, flying to where you like, game was kinda HUGE. loved it.

screens of freespace2 & freelancer:
image: 300x
image: 511RRCQDE7L._SL500_AA300_
image: freelancer4
image: freelancer35
image: 1296368000-img_4968_free_lancer_001
image: freelancer36
image: freespace2_big
Nope none.
Unfortunately this genre is dead, if you've not played Edge of Chaos I'd recommend it but its still of the same age as these games.
What a pity. :-( Many people seemed to love those Games tho... but any Remake failed because of company getting closed by microsoft or some delevoper behind died.

Why game company's don't create games people want to have? Is it really that hard? so many good games, so many genres, which are lost... even petition of game-genre-lovers dont seem to have any impact :(
freelancer was so awesome! :)
sick game :D never finished it tho :<
X series and Independence War 1/2

Heard FreeSpace2 has a mod which makes graphic up to date.
freespae 2 + mods is still looking good! one freelanceresque game is in development of which i unfortunalty can't remember the name.
there is a game called "Evochron Mercenary" which was released on steam about a month ago. it looks interesting, i have no idea whether it can be compared to freelancer though.
downloading Evochron Mercenary Demo right now, looks promising
ok tried it, it sucks donkeyballs tbh... graphic and gameplay is cheap and much worse than freelancer, :(
hmm, too bad. looked promising at first glance, idd.
oh man, freelancer was so awesome. at that time when I played it, the graphics were banging and gameplay was a fucking beast
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