Wich Skybox fits better?

Hey CF,

<insert topic here>

You can take a look @ the "old sky" (from b2) here:

image: tmat1pb39aqa
image: o1z1qrovbzpj

And here is the "new sky":
image: 35g7rg37fvtz
image: kkmuvgg7oh38

and again:
<topic here>

Doesn't nearly everyone use r_fastsky 1? Doesn't really matter in that case does it
yea i know, but i just want to improve the atmosphere on the map :)
nice for moviemakers or if you wanna advertise your map with a screenshot :)
I don't. Axis sometimes better visible in front of blue sky ;) (supply)
or rifles for random trick shots :-o
schau heut ma ins TS wennst zeit hast
night is beTTa. now pimp your compile settings a lil bit more and it'll be uber awesome (eventhough it already looks good!). is that the goldrush sky or where you got that from
jo, goldrush-sky ;)
new sky looks nice :)
stars for trickrifles
Quote by Ati_stars for random rifles

Fixed that for you
i personally like the 1st one, not a big fan of dark maps
new one looks much better imo
the dark one looks nice but well r_fastsky is enabled..so i dont see the difference ingame ;D
dark one as I've said from the beginning :D
if you really want to make it a night map, I'd go for this one:

image: darkness_skybox_ls

or even maybe this:

image: frozen_skybox_sc_01
the first one looks nice
the 2nd is ugly :/
both of these are better than the ones you have
take the 1st one!
imo the skybox for night is much better for rifler^^
there are many rifleshots on grush for example and I orientate myself with the stars trololol^^
well i didnt play this map yet and so i dont know if there are any awesome rifleshots, but with stars at the sky its much easier :P
definitely looks better with the new and darker sky, although I use r_fastsky 1 aswell. Might switch on this map though, nice atmosphere. :)
2nd looks better
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