keyboard being gay

So i played ET today and i noticed some keyboard bug..
Whenever i strafe left I just stop randomly. I can play but its very disturbing and its not sticky keys shit because i have turned them already off
Im playing on laptop ASUS-K53T
Do you know solution for this gaything?

Happened to me like 4 years ago, dunno what i did :)
had the same, when i bought my laptop it worked :D
so you hold the key down for a while, and it just stops so you have to press it again? try to reproduce the effect with the same button (a?) in like notepad or smtn. maybe the contact or w/e on the key is bad. or you can try rebinding your keys to esdf for example.
ok ill try thx
had the same, threw it on the floor and it repaired itself. works with microphones too!
microphones too ? nice i'll try thx :)
Remember, ones that are broken.
well if my current one is working but not really good, i'll throw it. It will break then i will throw it again :D

full of win !
This issue is the keyboard matrix not allowing you to press certain keys without it locking up and hence not registering keys anymore. Most keyboards (apart from expensive, mechanical ones) have a limited key amount. It depends on how the keyboard is designed completely though most have PCBs from Cherry corp.
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