chapter aight


somewhere in my 5th life year i got a new pc where i designed some nice games for fun like tony hawk pro skater and counter strike just because i was bored you know i was very skilled in much things and i pwned all kids in my street with a 1on1 highskilled and i called them LOLOLNOOBS ROFL LOL @ AT YOU and they cried and people called me a retarded loekino i don't know why but since this day i had made some game called kill the kid they sued me and i had to pay but i told them i got forced by evil spirits in my house and this means that i got free and didn't had to pay h3h3.
also i was like pwning on the streets and like 6 year old guys came to me and told ARE YOU FROM THE INTERNET? and i told yez nub lol go train in a localhost rofl but nah they didn't understand me and said woooooow and then they obey'ed me so i got like much food and money from them and i was like TEH number 1 of the Internet but i wasn't famous because i told i don't want this i want to be nr 1 but call me unknown sexyman or smth i don't care just need to be very hidden and this was like OMG COOL and exciting also i made pacman after my dilemma with the living mushroom from maple story who came and tried some stuff with me.
after i got my first real "gaming" chair on my room i never left it im still sitting on it atm because it was so nice and it gave me a skillboost so yes i didn't took a shower for 14 years now but this is oke i just get a new skin like a snake.
but the hardest things in my life was that i wheel of my chair broke and i cried for a few days.
then i got a new one and said v55 lol nub h3h3h3 you got pwned stupid chair and now i still have this chair, im worried about my own legs since i didn't use them for a while and they hurt but what does that mean? in my life i pwned much and much and to much people i feel so superleet but im loekino so i have to its in the book of faith
im happy i could tell me story in a journal on this site on this planet, in some other planets i couldn't do this.


and afraid that i will be loekino
i always enjoy your life stories!
cause they are true and for crossfire users only!
yes you hear so much bullshit in the range of the internet so its nice to have a spot (crossfire) with stories like yours which are true!
keeping it real
for some reason i feel as if this gif fits here:

image: M7iT5
that picture reminded me of

[7:28pm] (Spree) haha ik zat gister met juize en ins om een tafel he, we lachte ons kapot om mensen als jij
needs some translate! dutch skills low-
haha i sat yesterday with juize and ins around a table oi, we lauffed our broken because people like you
nice read, keep it up! what was your blogs adress again? I lost it :/
oh found it
that blog was even more retarded then this journal
yea, there's indeed much Frop in it
actually it was just to mimic et.truth website if you remember that. cause some crossfire admins made that
uhh, I don't ^^, registered in october 2007, guess I didn't even rly know what cf was before 2k8 ;x

fun fact: my first action on cf was trolling dunZ/vessar eheheheh
oh, well they did it undercover and made fun of all ET girls except sol's jailbait. so it was pretty easy to guess who made it. they also posted other rather childish stuff pretty big drama!
:o ohwow, guess there's no backup whatsoever!?
might be saved somewhere, wouldnt be surprised!
link me then.. anyone! e: ?

Gibri should pursue his 4G mobile idea

i cant find those posts i were talking about h3h3
nice to see more pummel-raps though!
pretty gangster
the powerranger paid you or did you make some witty deal btw?
what are you commenting about?
the identity-thingie :o!
i cannot speak of this :(
i can tell you about spa fruit tho!
very tasty verrrry verrry tasty i ate the box too but now my stomach hurts :(
those boxes always look so damn delicious :/ I have to try it, too! Do you like it better than dubble frissss? Because that is like my favourite drink I ever tasted in my young life!
well i still like double fris ananas mango <333 so it doesnt beat double friss...
haydar, mn telefoon viel uit :(
hi there

that picture has been edited in so many funny things
so your story is funny??
my story aint not no in picture :s
haydar, mn telefoon viel uit :(
tldr, you smoke too much D:
u got a pc when u was 5?
because imo to give a 5 year old child a computer is sick plain and stupid.why dont u give him a book instead?
roflkartofel netherlands aint romania.. we all had pc's at those age not for private use but we all had pc's per family
in your story u say a different version:

Quotesomewhere in my 5th life year i got a new pc where i designed some nice games for fun

this says that you got a new pc in your 5th life,not that your family bought for them a pc when u was 5.u either dont know how to tell a true story or u are lieng in one of this 2 situations.but dont worry,after 89,i know parents who bought expensive phones,pc and even fuckin cars to kids when they did not even had a driver licence.2 years later one of them killed some1,but that s not relevant to your story.anyway,still i dont get it why u did not got a new book when u was 5.

also it has nothing to do with the fact is netherland or romania.u are a kid borned after or around 89,i assume,time when computers in romania were unexistent during the comunism times,but after 89 all this changed,now if we got pc for our kids at the age of 5 i realy don t give a shit that this is democracy,cause i still think is plain stupid when i get stupid adds on my msn list from teenagers bugging me with stupid spams about their new song that they like or shit like that.
mate, this journal i randomly made in 2007 or something.

mate, i dont even remember if i had a pc when i was 5.

mate, dont take it too serious
mate than why da fuck u post non sense here ?

mate why u make me waste my time reading your bullshit?

mate why da fuck u waste your time writing bullshit?

why mate why?
i like to write stories :(

at least i did!
mate at least since life is full of shit,make sure u write a nice story not one same as the life.mate if u wanna lie to me lie me with something beautiful.god damn mate u are not made for writing stories
Actually these stories were quite populair! so dont lie to me that i lie
for retards i dont doubt they were.
Member For: 2 years and 27 days

so new, so new...
borned in 1980 when u was not even in the conception phase .i m new to cf,u r new to this earth
i am, and i gladly admit i am!
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