#follow.et : Farewell to ET

Disclaimer : If you don't give a shit about #follow.et you can stop reading here and straightly have a look @ the hot chick I posted. As you certainly noticed I haven't written a journal for a month or so. I'd appreciate if flamers can keep their hands away for this journal but my expectations aren't so high since we all know, it's AnonymousCrossfire.

After 3 magnificent years, I (Colonel LeFrancis) decided to call it a day...
Here's the story of #follow.et for the ones who are new to this e-world or never paid attention to this awesome european team and community.

After several years of jaymod (hi to sNr servers) and ETpro 2.55, two french players MarseilleTouZe and MarseilleI decided to create a team. Since we couldn't stand other frenchs' behaviour and we were too low to be recruited anywhere we decided to go on our own. We always wanted a "serious" team with cool & clean players. Even if it wasn't easy we managed to make it real.

For the ones who always wondered why "The Following Day" or "#follow.et" here's the silly but real explanation. After few hours of gaming MarseilleTouZe and me wanted to find a name for our new team before sleeping. We hadnt found any so we decided to go to bed. He told me "See you tomorrow" and I replied "See you the following day LoL... OMG WHAT DID I JUST SAY" True story and then we simply made it shorter by calling this team "follow.et"

Our first competition was ESL winter league, this is also our last. We had many different lineups and also a lot of players came here before becoming legends. #follow.et was, is and will stay a clean team. I would thank all of you guys who made #follow.et a great community and a bunch of e-friends.

Here's a non-exhaustive list :

True soldiers category (here for a long time, never backstabbed) :

FinlandWoony (Skillboosting while drunken)
PolandRafek (Official quote provider, wise man)
Italyspng (Taught me the art of spamming CF like a bo double s)
United KingdomniSmO (Simply Joe Weasley)

Sexiest managers :

PortugalBasty (My bestest gayming friend)
PortugalPunkyy (Taught me how to seduce portuguese girls "meu amor")
United States of AmericaazuKi (Queen of nerds)

The ones still idling on irc after all those years :

Czech Republicmnewcko (flying hovno)
Czech Republictamjee (Sexiest pyjama ever salope)
RomaniaLover (Romanian pro car driver, richest gypsy)
ChileCasek (Kept playing while being in a mine)
NetherlandssQinN (apoCo le pedale :D)

Joe's friend and newschoolers

Germanynicon (Cooking 24/7 even while playing)
FinlandHukk (Skilled finnish farmer)
NetherlandsSimonKinsler (Best CF contributor, recently took part in our e-army)
Portugaln1 (Xylos' grandpa BAZZINGA, rolled lots of bitches)
FranceBenjii (hangover 24/7)

The ones who played for #follow.et but disappeared in the wild real life :
FinlandAksu (Became a Sergeant in real life, he's adored by #follow.et & #bd.com)
ItalyaNg (Emoboy who was getting trolled by his mum during our serious praccs)
GermanymeNtal (Cya @ meNtal moments :DDDD)
PolandSerrano (Legendary polak rifle)
PolandHans (Wise polish boy)
PolandKama (High 24/7, epic laugh)
Netherlandsmlo (Still waiting for his gf)
EstoniasCope (Stouda's friend)
NetherlandshORSE (Amazing horse)
Belgiumigloow (Fries lover & very good singer)
Belgiumhomar ( homo-r)
Portugalj1nx (cabrao)
EstoniaStouda (sa oled pede, taught me "amazing horse" music)

The one who played with us 1 or 2 games :
FrancemTz & FranceLuis
Czech RepublicWizrox

The ones who never played for us but gently supported us :
NetherlandsRezta & Netherlandszenix (Thanks for your great servers & irc support)

EuropeThe Following Day is more than a team it's an e-family or a nerd community where we play baserace until 3 am or argue about triviabot until 5 am. That's why I'd like to thank all our idlers. The list is too long but I thank each of you.

I now let FinlandWoony (new leader), Polandrafek (Coach & veteran soldier) and Portugalpunkyy (manager) make a decision about Europe#follow.et's future. Even if there's no more team, #follow.et will still be alive on irc and each of us will keep in his mind the great times we spent playing computer games and joking around.

If this team stayed for so long it's thank to the great atmosphere we managed to get. It's probably our secret and encourage you guys to "follow" the same path with your team.

Since I want you to close this journal with a smile on your face here are some stuffs for you :

Woony drunken
Woony Hendrix performing a live show

I had the following to say :
Quote by LeFrancisSee you @ lan

Don't be sad my e-friends. I'll still be around on irc & I'll keep checking my inbox. Maybe we'll meet at lan or more possibly @ LoL :{D.

image: tumblr_lxal7fz37y1qzy9ou

Europe#follow.et - (2008 - 2012)
You better be at LAN then -.-
Don't worry, I will!
Wall of text.
Inb4 Finland or catalan fags e-raging in here.
i dont recall us being upset with you...
Some of you were :SSS imabob e.g.
well in their defense, you're french so their hatred is perfectly justified.
cuz ur boring and unfunny. selfproclaimed troll, thats the only hilarious thing uve ever done on cf

so we wont see those original "le" posts?:((((
PolandRobert will keep doing it.
wont be that fucking funny
not nice calling lover a gypsy even if it comes as a joke...
sssh or ill report you at some dutch website
see you in lol :)
This is the saddest thing i have ever read on CF. Hopefully the new Colonel Woony will take #follow.et in a good direction.

Big shoutout to everyone in #follow.et <3333
+ Poland Rafek is the wisest man on IRC
oh Monsieur Francis, although I dont see my name in this journal, I wanna say farewell to you :)
GL to you Francis:) I am sure follow.et is in good hands:)
It was a pleasure to have you as a pro merc.
Au revoir Le Moustache

Good luck dans la vraie vie.. Aussi connue sous le nom de League des Légendes xo
ligue* gros cul
Merde :(
Adieu poto :)
Ce n'est qu'un au revoir eheheheheheh
It took way too long to scroll to the chick.
A sad sad day :<
Shoutout to you too francismate !
inabit francis! ={
:> IRC :>
bon débarras
Meurs d'une fricadelle empoisonée.
I assume this is a good buy -journal so Im gonna read it

e: rather boring text, your history is almost as uninteresting as Romania philosoforgiven's aphorisms

people u thanked must be really happy for you taking em into consideration

your .mp3s are nothing to be shared outside #follow.et as people dont care

Im hoping you wont return to copy me

we could've got along if you were more original + didnt miss- & overuse memes
combo breaker
u are fuckin pathetic low fucker without any friends in real life except maybe your krp shit and ugly faces.have fun trolling on the only place where ppl know about your existance:here
you come to the lan to drink bears n'stuff?
dont think I will, the trip'd be too expensive for a poor student like me :(
aw fuck :<

I won't take the car this time, since I got arrested the last time on my way to enschede :D:D:D:D
try not taking someone else's car in order not to get arrested ;)
stfu krp low
follow.et flaming skill low
you gotta learn to channel your madness somehow, I can give you lessons if you want
:DDDDDD whats madder than being mad?

ehhmh, dont quite understand

catch up with unforgipsy, he might understand your jokes
hardman blindieri on fire, hit me with that keyboard! harder!
Ill hit your alchie dad & fatso mom with a hammer
oh so now you get siriuz

I made one of my bitchez pregnant.
ure becoming a father? ::D
Too bad :(
I will still ban people on irc!
A sad day for ET community.
GL Woony and others !
There is nothing as nerd as "Farewell ET" journals.
Francis like i said once when i was drunk "Its great that we played together and had great time, and managed to build so great community"

Was great so long what it took. It was very bad that we lost so great lads like spng etc. while our tourney but thanks god they hang with us lil bit sometimes :D
Sincerely Woony Hendrix
Good Bye Colonel! <3
take care mate <3 those were good times :)
Where is my name
hf dans la vraie vie colonel !
cba to waste my time to read this shit.
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