art docus

Sup cf,

so ive been watchin alot of art docu's lately,
wondering is some ppl have a few suggestions since i cant find any :/
so far ive seen:
- Helvetica
- Beautifull losers
- Diry Hands: David Choe
- Popaganda
- Bomb it
- Graffiti Wars
- Exit trough the gift shop
& proly some more i already forgot


image: tumblr_l8ocf4iu9q1qzrk5xo1_400

That chick is fucking ugly.
I guys you americans prefer the bigger women ;)?
Neeh, his women are just always on bikinis / naked, usually dancing or grinding themselves to cars / poles / face.
wouldn't call her ugly. but lets face it, she hardly looks 15 on that pic :x
10 minutes 2
dirty hands 1, 2 & 3
stockholm live
war 4
for the real stuff
nobody likes art people. fucking hippies
i realy have no idea why u said 'fking hippies'
because art people are almost always hippies.. if not, they are gay.
im not quite sure, maybe you have a diff view of what hippies are
i think ur thinking about hipsters
whatever, still nobody likes art people.
thats what you think
that's what everyone i know thinks.
every1 YOU know
you are probally some random fag that watches himself in the mirror for 30mins in the morning, checking out what clothes for 40mins.

that's why all art people are gay. If not they are hippies.
well no nt rly, but nice try tho
not sure why u start to get "personal"
thats usualy the last thing ppl do when they dont know what to say anymore or dont have a valid argument

its not cuz YOU dont know ppl that like artsy ppl that there are NO ppl AT ALL that like them :)
nah it's just me not wanting to think about in argument cuz it's well known that:

-> your profile pic is gay
-> art people are gay

And since both are you, you are gay.
watch the one on DMT, a psychedllic drug. Its not really art but it relates to dreams and weird mind boggles people do. A lot of art has influences from spy-druguse or dreams (basically the same)
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