Chemistry help #2

Yo fellas,

i thought there might be a chemistry owner on here and could help me...

so i need to get the pKs-value of HCL with c(HCL)=10^6

i know pH=-log(10^6)=6 so how can i get the pKs out of the pH=6??

image: nuoa1
If you could write a bit more info's I might be able to help you out :P
Well.. I.. Oh, it's been a while I haven't practiced, you know.. So.. I guess.. You're in the deep shit bro..


if i'm right :x
so ur pks is 166666.666666 thats just impossible
it must be between 1-4 and if i am right is the pks value of HCl around is 2 or 3
dnno wikipedia lied to me I think:x
wtf wikipedia =DDDD
never trust wikipedia mate^^
"it must be between 1-4 and if i am right is the pks value of HCl around 2 or 3"

no shit ? :P
whats wrong? ;O
well, if i say something is between 7 and 10 .. then say it's around 8 or 9 - no shit? :d
lol,HCl hat -6....
*2^ln(e³+6) easy bro
fuck chemistry
was ist wenn du erst denn pkb wert berechnest?
pOH=1/2*pkb - 1/2*logCob das nach pkb umstellst
und dann pks=14-pkb?
da ja HCl ne starke Säure ist würde ich diesen weg gehen, wäre es zum beispiel ne schwache säure dann wäre es izi
e: hmm wobei du kannst net sagen das pH=6 ist... da es sich um ne stark säure handelt kannst du net einfach die formel pH=-logCos benutzen sondern die formel pH=-log[H+], aber die konzentration von H+ Ionen kann man eigentlich NICHT berechnen wenn du nur Cos gegeben hast.
Kannst du irgendwie die ganze aufgabe scannen oder abschreiben?
irgendwie ist das ne tricky aufgabe :<
"aber die konzentration von H+"
H+ *hust*

H3O+ *
stop killing nature
weil diese formel bringt eig gar nichts.
[H+]=-Ks/2 + 1/2 * sqrt(Ks^2 + 4*Ks*Cos) weil du da 2 unbekannte hast :x
du studierst den kack, also wieso brauchst du hilfe :D
das ist kein kack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
naja ich hatte chemie bis zur 11.klasse und das mit 11punkten im schnitt auch recht erfolgreich, aber ich finds trotzdem kacke :D
also ich find chemie richtig interessant, deswegen studiere ich auch bioanalytik ;)
habe erst vor 3 wochen mei stöchiometrieprüfung geschrieben jetzt muss ich nur noch 7 tage auf meine ergebnisse warten omg :DDDDDD
ja jeder wie ers mag ne ;)
aber du könntest noch francis anschreiben er hat es echt drauf, er hat mir auch scho paar mal geholfen ;)
und kann es sein das du die falsche konzentration angegeben hast :x
c(hcl)=10^6 ist arg viel :P oder doch eher 10^-6 :P
Is Ks the solubility equilibrium for you or you simply meant the equilibrium constant?
In the first case you're supposed to deal with a solid.
and here is the master of chemistry<3 :DDDDDDD
zum glück habe ich nachm abi nie wieder in ein chemiebuch geguckt :D
nur mal so gefragt, ohne jetzt in die eigentliche diskussion einsteigen zu wollen: c(HCl) = 10^-6 mol/l oder 10^6 mol/l?

wenn du nämlich 10^6 hast, dann ist dein ph sowieso falsch, da du ja pH=-log(10^6) --> pH =-6 hättest... ;)
meiner meinung nach eigentlich 10^-6 :x

just sayin
Well after reading comments it seems like you're talking about acidity constant :D

Quotei know pH=-log(10^6)=6 so how can i get the pKs out of the pH=6??

It can be used if [HCl]>10^-5mol/dm3 otherwise you may have bad results.

Anyway there's no problem in here.

H3O+ + Cl- => HCl + H2O

(The reaction is 99% this way since HCl is a strong acid so it's difficult to make it the other way <=. It also means that we have a proton in the solution and a very weak base Cl-)

"Ks" as you call it is supposed to be this way :

Ks = [H3O+][Cl-]/[HCl][H2O]

H2O activity is 1 nothing new...

So Ks = [H3O+][Cl-]/[HCl]

This reaction is more likely total that's why we consider :

Ks = 10^6
So pKs = -6

pKs is not pH obviously...

If we have a look at chemistry table for HCl it's supposed to be pKs<-1.74 so the result seems legit unless I did something wrong but I doubt.
QuotepKs is not pH obviously...

as HCl is a very strong acid,we can assume, that pH=pKs due to the complete dissociation of the HCl molekule?
Well if you look at calculus yes pH would be equal to pKa in this case. However pH is supposed to be between 0 & 14. It doesn't work this way when you deal with such a monoacid you have to solve a 3rd degree equation *le boring* :{D
Since he obviously got c(HCl)=10^-6 instead of 10^6 (which would be awesome),the pH would be 6 (oh inbetween 0&14) and oh pH=-pKs :s
Could you please tell me that 3rd degree equation,just to see if we get tought the same =)

EDIT: oh and pls dont come up with that pKs-related formula to calculate the pH of acids since we have HCl,no doubt about being a very strong acid :s
Gotta agree with that, weird concentration :D
Anyway : (H+)^3 + Ks (H+)^2 - (H+) [Ke + KsCs] - Ks.Ke = 0
Too lazy to do it...
Well did it
Got Ks = 7,14285 × 10^-20
so pKs = -19 approximately

I have no idea what to think about it. All I know is the equation is correct and we can have negative pKs for strong acids.
Fluoroantimonic acid,one of the superacids got a pKs=-17....
Are you sure that you can use this equation for every acid in any concentration?
The result of your calculation make me doubt that coz pKs=-19 for HCl which is used by 1st semester students seems a bit heavy for me :D
My mind has already blown. + Author of this journal seems not to be very interested. However, there's something wrong but don't know what.
Salzsäure,starke Säure also vollständig dissoziert. Damit ist c(H+)=c(HCl)
und pKs=log[c(HCl)].
Gibt noch andere Rechenwege,aber solange du keine weiteren Angaben hast,sollte das die Lösung sein.
Und ich hoffe,du hast 10^-6 mol/L,anderfalls solltest du mal in Stockholm anrufen,hochkonzentrierte Salzsäure hat etwa 13 mol/L.
richtige antwort.
omg nerds everywhere!
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