Zombie Mod - Mapper

Hi, just thought I would say that Zombie Mod now has a skilled mapper involved. He has agreed to work for the mod.

First map to be released soon - Fueldump - Zombie
Second map - Coldfort
pics here: http://mapping.stephanhondeveld.com/projects/coldfort.htm
Third map - Zombie Hospital - base building & defence systems etc...

Mapper is called Speer - he's a really nice guy and knows his stuff.

Current members:
Dan (coder)
Speer (mapper) (his website is the Coldfort)
TeeJunkie (modeller)
& big thanks to Thorsten for his Linux skills, server sponsor & compiling time and scripts. - his website http://staatsschutz.org/
sethos (graphical stuff like menu's, loading screen etc..)

Changes to Zombie Mod since yesterday:
+Chat has now been moved to below
+The KUDOS no longer overlap the HP
+Means of Death all changed (was killed by etc..)
+Nearly fixed the FPS counter moving around screen - only happens to certain popups, no longer does it when faced with too many particles.
+ Completely new ranking system
+ New weapon code & usage
+ Nearly finished hard coding removal of weapons. Axis(Zombies) can now only melee (PUNCH/SWIPE) for Humans.

Still to do:
- Clueless as to what's making the intermission chat window fuck up. It's also the same in ETMAIN so it's not like I've done it. I'll check that out soon.

- Hitsounds not implemented yet (purely because it's not needed for now).
- WoW style KUDOS drawing not implemented just yet. The shader works fine, just need to create the shader.
- HP drawing shader
-Upload to SVN

Keep a close eye on this project, it will be finished, I have no idea when.

The only server online atm is the old release from yesterday - so don't expect these fixes until I get it compiled.

Want to help? Please inbox me with skills.

if im motivated i can help you with mapping
so the server has now zombie mod with all the stuff u mentioned before?
gl looking forward :)

although, with no offense, "skilled mapper involved" is not what I think of someone who recently made a post on SD forums about his first big maps' development ;)
I'm no mapper ofc, but the guy found the problems with my map straight away.

I've had a sneak peak at his new map and it's actually really good. Could be played for comp when it's finished, there's no chokeholds, it's balanced well and I've only seen a smallish part. So I would say he's skilled :P, and definitely enough for me, plus he's an awesome guy ;).
he is going to need lots of marketing like library before it's accepted!
It's indeed my first big map, however doesn't mean I'm not experienced with level design. Since like 2005 I make 'things' and there were some projects but I never was really that serious with creating maps. However I do know how, what and where. :)

@Danje, thanks!
make me a map :D
u always have something to say when it comes to other map makers right.
obviously as I am one of the few on CF who can, so why shouldn't I ;)
for some reason u always look lame when u do so
Just posted a fresh screenshot at the link mentioned above!
Tho some minor details changed in the past minutes.

A map like what? :)
He makes maps also I think :P, I think he was joking :D
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