And tonight is the night

Of number 7 of NBS' weekly 3o3 cups!

Every wednesday evening of the week, at 20:00 CET, NBS Goku is organising our weekly 3o3 cup, with 6 done so far with an average of 42 signups per cup, number 7 is starting in only 4 more hours!

Signups will close at 19:45 CET, after which people have time to check themselves in.
So, don't be late or you won't be able to participate sadly..


On a side note:
We at NBS are always looking for more ways to give the people what they want, we do this by hosting cups, not only in ET but in other games as well.

I have contacted some companies that are willing to sponsor some prizes for these cups, however they do not want to do this for ET every week for cups with 'only' 96 players (32 teams x 3 players, even tho theres so many mercs and more sign ins blablabla) but they might be willing to do this once per month.

All we have to do, is keep on showing that we are able to host well attended, decent cups in ET. We started doing this with the 3o3cups but 6o6 cups are of course more interesting, for us, for the community, but for the companies as well.

So, I ask you now, keep on participating in our cups, then soon enough we'll come with 6o6 cups as well and after that we'll surely bring in some prizes, for 3o3 as well as 6o6!

Since most companies don't even know ET, it is up to the community to show them what we are ;)

So, I hope NBS can go on dedicating to this ET community through our cups and hopefully shortly with prizes included as well!

Any feedback/suggestions/questions or anything about this matter, please pm me or add me to xfire: Tiropag

Let's start hating!

does nbs mean noobs?
Of course, what else would it mean? :)
thought so :d
Feedback - Don't pitch to your sponsors that you're advertising to 96 people, because you're not, you're advertising to Crossfire a far larger number.
I know, I told them that as well, but they were concerned about the amount of players actually participating and I told them that that was a minimum of 96 at least, for the 3o3 cups.

And they were not familiar with crossfire and it's activity, I do not have any statistics or so of this website either so couldn't really show them any besides the information of how many members and stuff like that.
Online: 280

unique visitors each week? dunno
Yep, need more information :P
so there must be a final cup at the end of the month for the weekcupwinners - and the winner of this cup get the prize !! i am so clever
Yes that was suggested by someone else as well ;)

It is an option for sure, 4 cups and then a small tournament with 4 teams? :P We'll surely look in to the possibilities :)
tonight is cl
Yeah, gonna be watching it as well ^^

New cl 'system' is kinda cool tho, can watch every match now for multiple weeks except for only the 2 topmatches per week for 2 weeks long.
GOGO CF playzzzzzzz
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