Zombie Mod - Official Theme

Having been in contact with razorbach - we have agreed for me to use his work of art named 'Zombie' for my mod 'Zombies' or 'Zombie Mod'.

Listen to theme music: http://soundcloud.com/razorbach/zombie - this will be integrated into the game some how.

Nothing new to add just kind of proud I got the guy happy enough with the mod to work with me on it :).

image: l_skullboysketchzombie
What game/engine?
e: nvm, i see, ET, not interested :DDDDDDDD
It's based on ETMAIN code - but updated so it's Quake 3 but with improved well, everything really.
I respect your effort to make a good mod for a good game, but ET is without any doubt on the dying side. Also it's graphically pretty outdated, which even lowers the potential userbase. Although it will run on most pc's, it's graphics are so outdated that with the horde of zombie mods around for nearly every game there's a real small chance people will take notice.

My advice: put the huge amount of time and effort you want to spend on this project into something with a greater reach (newer engine, a refreshing concept and a decent planning) and I'm absolutely willing to help out (I'm a student 3D game artist in my 3rd year).

And if you do keep on working on this project, good luck have fun :)
Hmm, didn't see you were this far in the development process already. Well let's hope it's going to rock. I see that, at least on this forum, there's a decent amount of animo.
well, i am just asking: you are really working on a zombie-mod for ET?
Fuck off with that cover song
if that songs in it, im not playing :D

even if you like it , it gets annoying as hell.. get smthn more subtle
It'll be for main menu which you'll only ever use... probably once in 4 years or something :)... we already have sounds planned, and creepy shit like heartbeat on the players etc...
cover song is bullshit...
Not really my taste of music, what about this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqQuihD0hoI&ob=av2e I mean, Rob Zombie , coincidence? :p btw, about that mapping stuff: I played a really nice map some days ago on pub, called haunted mansion, perfectly fits the Zombie theme imo, have a look at it :)
it has to be something subtile and creepy with some lyrics ...
I think this is a bit creepy, and I also can hear him singing ^_^
too much singing,and unrelated to creepiness and scaryness :)

u know the resident eveil theme song4 ?
that's a kinda creepy song :D
original song is a masterpiece. This one is just not fine ...
are you kidding me? you must have hearing problems even ice cream truck has better music!
i think the song is ok :o)
ohmagawd, thats a really really bad vocal performance
+1, but if you try to ignore him at least a bit, it is okish
Crossfire is spoiled with dubstep, no chance of success here :D
:), it'll all come together. Adding sounds to player regarding heartbeat depending on situation etc.. difficult to code tbh:P
Yea I know, I was just refering to those "OMG horrible music!" comments. You and your team are doing really great work!
thanks for the effort in what you're doing :)
i hope there will be the option to turn that off
if you want to use that song in the game, please use it as instrumental :S the vocals totally kill it
sorry to say but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu-kmQ0uooU&hd=1

why do you even care about the music in the menu that 90% of the ppl will mute to hear teammates on comms? just get some subtle techno thingie which is not disturbing, like i dunno; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E6U4ga9quI&feature=related
Got rights to use it?
I have, he was more than happy.
The music I meant, yeah?

Seems your doing well m8; I can't, so won't pretend to be able to offer any kind of support, but by all means, good luck buddy.

Just make sure you get someone to make sure your legally safe.

When you say "he was more than happy"; do you have that in writing? Gentlemens agreements don't stand up. And if you make a penny out of this, bet your ass his view will change. Better be safe. Griim is a lawyer, ask him for advice.
true, try to get it in a written from, otherwise you might have some buttpain later
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