Mouse replacement.

Well, my Razer Lachesis is giving me some trouble, freezing dead randomly, and I'm looking for a replacement.

Considering: Steelseries xai, logitech mx518, logitech g400/500.
I'd like some suggestions, personal opinions on your mouses etc..
Thanks in advance.
I like the Xai alot, but based on people's opinion, the mx518 is the best mouse ever created
I'm considering mx518 because of people's opinions too. imo, it's kinda small (I like big mouses)
i have a mx518 and i dont find it anything special... go for xai or deathadder
Kept my old logitech mouse for 5 years (still workin)
I know have mx518 for 1 year, awesome.
Logitech is for me the best shit for mice.
mouses ? :D
both 'mice' and 'mouses' are plural form of mouse.
zowie ec1 is good option also like it more than my old mx518 tbh
steelseries sensei all the way
image: eebrokenmouse?

Anyway..Mx518..good old Mx518.
I'Ve had it for almost 6 years now or 5 I don't know. It never breaks no matter what you do with it. Just THE mouse for FPS games!

I'm using the Xai nowadays though as I've been playing lots of Starcraft some time ago and it's a lot easier to macro and spam with that model. However it has a hypersensitive sensor and as I'm using the steelseries qck textile pad the lense may be affected even by small amounts of dirt. After chaging a driver setting it is flawless again. Definitely worth the money too. I've read a lot of complaints too due to faulty hardware. Maybe just give it a try at a friends place or local shop before you get it.
every mouse with adjustable dpi roll

but I've used DA and MX518 and feels pretty much the same
stop giving shit advice
Why is that... for me its pretty much the same MX518 and DA, both good mice... not like u gonna be way much better with one or other.

Stop hatin
Quoteevery mouse with adjustable dpi roll

still shit advice
abyssus , died after 30 secs of useage
used to have mx518 but then I replaced it with razer DA, better option (imho)
we saw that on match against poland yes :)
nice to see you specced me :p
still it doesnt say anything about mouse itself ;)
and even if it did, you cant compare it with another one ;)
nah just saw stats sorry :(
oh you broke my heart right now :|
but its all because I was the only one playing for team, so it was so shit :D
razer DA is quite similar to lachesis, so that's why it isn't on the top of my list.
oh, didnt know. it has just such perfect shape I have to recommend it to everyone :p
It does, but my god, it just freezes randomly and I have to take it out and plug it in again to get it to work. Tryed a billion things, even sent razer support an email, but can't seem to fix it.
yeah, from what I heard its common problem (think mx518 does the same - its probably general problem of all mice, after some time) - how long do you have it?
I have my DA only year and half or sth and nothing weird occured so far
2-3 months, that's why i'm kinda annoyed (since christmas)
oh,thats very short time! did you try if it does on different pc aswell? if yes, use your warranty.
still very annoying :(
Yep. i'll use my warranty ofc. i just expected to have a decent product when purchasing :/
Yeah, one would really expect quality from big brand like razer. Guess you were just unlucky, I am very happy with mine and ppl around me with razer are pretty satisfied with them aswell
I would say it is NOTHING like a deathadder. The Lazer/DPI is completely different, the shape and feel is also different. The MX518 would be closer to the deathadder then the lachasis! :D
Steelseries sensei/Logitech g400 is what I would buy.
Just took a look at sensei. Quite surprised! Really liked what I saw. Great suggestion mate.
I was in love after I saw a video of their CEO about it, He's really a no nosense guy when it comes to mices :D
mx518 / g500

depends of your hands but I got big hands so I like to have a mouse that fits well in my hands

razer da etc are pretty shit for me
I'm using g400 and its OK.
but now i would like to check some wireless gaming mouse like g700 or mamba.
g400 or zowie AM are prolly the best choice atm
SS kana is also not bad
logitech mx518, g400 and g500 are all pretty much the same imo. Just ever so slightly tweaked the newer model you go for.

Consider buying the most price worthy one rather than if it says "best in test" and price is high.
Bro !! It depends how much money do you want spend for it!

Mx is great old mouse (even if is hard to find) ...g400 is a great mouse (in using it) and not much expensive...g5 much better but the cost is closer to steelseries xai that is the best for me.../but is quite expensive! (60/70€ here)
Had pretty much all of those mouses over the space of 2/3 years. I keep on returning to my Deathadder/Mamba.

It all depends on personal preferance to what mouse each person likes. Personally, the feel and movement of the mamba/deathadder is best for me!
how u could even play with lachesis?
its so shit, got it also but used it like 2h
Deathadder the best
MX518 !!!
g400, don't get why some people still prefer mx518 over g400.
Sensor changed right? The design also means that this mouse is prone to the cable issue still, after 8 years.
You have warranty for 3 years so basically you can play 3 years with g400.

Also there isn't many mices that you can go for with low budget since SteelSeries, Zowie and maybe some microsoft mices are the ones that can compete with g400 and these mouses are expensive, excluding microsoft mices.
Ah well they've upped that!

Yeah I like the 518 just not good for my handshape sadly, and I don't like prediction either!
latest g400 got no prediction
Ah interesting
mx518 / g400
Xaiiiiiiiiiii! But don't leave the drivers installed slows boot time by about 10-15 seconds!
just don't buy a razer again, that's what I learned . what pieces of cheap shit..
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