Zombie Mod - Ideas

Hi, once again a useless journal?

Been working on the mod once again, added some small features for balance/tactical play.

.Healers when gibbed drop all remaining medic packs
.Support when gibbed drop all remaining ammo packs
.Fixed the scoreboard
.Redesigned the scoreboard
.New stat window
.New top shots window
.Players will now move slower dependant on their health.
.All missing zombie and human text SHOULD be 100% done now.
.Seemed to of fixed the FPS jumping around screen when presented with icons/some shaders.
.All classes are labelled correctly
.Colour coded classes
.Local timer added to cvars
.Nearly finished the removal of all weapons the correct way (thanks Indloon). .Zombies can now only use melee
.Fixed overlapping of name and HP of clients & structs
.Limited certain chat functions.
.New intermission screen ;)
.Chat in right position again

ColdFort - Zombies will be the first map ;)

To add:

leaning anim
new graphics
new models
new maps

New compile tomorrow.

Night night.....
What to add?
best idea right here:

you start off with even teams

if a zombie dies he gets moved to alive team

if a alive guy dies -> zombie team and so on

in the end the team with all players wins
but there's going to be one team full of players = everyone wins

e.g. 5v5 => gonna end up in 10v0 realistically

unless it turns into hide&seek :p
still the guy with the least deaths or something can be like yeah look at me fucking rolling like a baus
true :p but imagine a 3v3 or similar, 2v4 is just unplayable unless opponents suck!
Wouldn't it be more wise to ask this around noon ? Instead of asking it in the middle of the night when there is hardly anyone online? :O
the journal wont be gone when people wake up :p
Touchè yet I still think he could have planned it better!
hehe yeah he probably could but it doesnt matter that much i guess ^-^
Agreed:p Don't really know what I said it in the first place
hva fanden laver du oppe der :D
tjahhh xD jeg får ikke så meget søvn du ved.. :p
Europe is not its own planet you know :P
My apologies! I already figured out that it wasn't my best post ever!
idea :

zombie have the life of each oppo at the same time. I mean for 1 zombie and 5 guys in the other team for example :
zombie have 100 x5 health = 500 and each other guy have 100 health
Im looking very much forward to this project being done so i can try it out ! :)
Quote.Zombies can now only use melee
Give, at least a few of them, (also) a weak distance attack. at least in AVA it's the case that people tend to go to a position where you need to jump. and all the zombies approaching just get pushed back by being hit so it's impossible to hurt anyone at such a position.

Quote.Players will now move slower dependant on their health.
Is that per % or at a certain value you start being slowed down? (would prefer the lattern, because even the smallest hit would cause a major disadvantage compared to anyone else)

PS: what yjzz said (...and whats already in AVA or in AvP2, or what i proposed earlier already^^)
in CS it's all about positioning and teamwork.
There are some maps in CSS which are just full with spots a zombie nearly can't climb up to due to heavy fire. In 1.6 everything is super balanced. It doesn't matter what weapon you have if you stop firing you are done. If zombies had weapons too they could just snipe from anywhere as humans don't heal.
but in this case it's not "you die if you stop firing" it's "when ever someone tries you shoot once and are save again"
I just want to see the skins done!
is it gonna be like the cod nazi zombies?
waiting hard and anxious for this to be finished.i really wanna play this :)
Played on it the other night with shizzle and sinnu and had no idea where the zombie part comes into it?
When I get the models :). The test server contains everything basic, including textures, gun models, sounds and maps. This will change very soon, with the zombie maps.

Outdated information I wrote a week ago:

Name: Zombie Mod
Gametype: Last Man Standing
Maps: Custom zombie maps, rain and darkness
Engine: I've reworked the code from vanilla ET (ETMAIN), I've introduced exploit fixes also.
Game has Quake 3 physics, I haven't seen the Q3 engine code, but I worked on the code from my head and feeling, and it feels about right. This has got so many compliments and is apparently the best part so far.
Has been tested by 20+ players, and it runs stable. I have been working on the code alone and have not stole ANY code or used anyone elses work unless asked for help on SD forums.

Point of this game:
Axis are now called Zombies and Allied are Humans. The Zombies have only 1 weapon and that is melee (their fists). The Humans have 150HP each and consist of 5 clases.

Power - these do the most damage, they have high powered weapons and can rush Zombies with a Healer. These inflict pure damage to the 5000HP zombies!

Healers are the ones who heal others, they can revive players a lot quicker and come with more ammunition and medical packs. They have 2 sidearms and 1 main weapon, but can choose between 2 guns The Thompson or (other name got to make model yet).

There is the Support class - this class can call in planes to drop arty on specific locations, with increased fire power and ability to replenish the group with ammo. This class is a must have for any game, there's very little ammo around the maps.

Then we have the Technician, this guy builds the forts in which are needed to be created, they can also set up defences with their special weapon (mines). The Techy is the base building man, you need him for sure!.

Lastly we have the Distance Fighter - these guys hide in the back and have the ability to blend well into the scenery, they can spot the zombies from a distance and pick them off before having to retreat to team mates.

The game requires team work and skill, no more being a medic = win.
Aaaa i downloaded the stuff from the server but it has no sound or skins for me. Maybe thats why :D wondered why the zombies were shooting me :D
Yeah ha, that's an outdated version, I'll try get a compile for Linux tonight.

It will get finished, even if I have to do it all myself (but the mapper is dedicated and a really nice guy). Indloon as been a lot of help and so has Thorsten who helps with Linux compiles, hosts the 64man server for FREE and is a overall nice guy.

I would of quit if it wasn't for these as no point having it Windows server only, as not many people have Windows server anymore.

Anyhoo, it will be done, it's just a matter of time and a lot of effort.

Got so many ideas to add, once it's released I'll put the source up for download. Hopefully someone will port it to ETPUB for Bot support, I should of started from ETPUB really as it offers EVERYTHING I need to add, hitsounds, LUA support, better HUDS + many more. But still, I've started now and it's a learning experience and considering I don't even know the C language very well, I think it's progressed rather well.
axis & allies playing together in a house, zombies storming in wave after wave

smthn like this, just think like allies are the zombies"


smthn like cabin fever on combat arms

get axis & Allies trapped in a house in the middle of the woods, if they go out of the house they die, so they need to stay inside & frag the crap out of the dead

zombies have no guns, then need to strangle u or smthn :D

would be way more exciting looking "20 Zombies 2meeters away from me, ur heart beating ur hands sweating ur shooting like a maniac trying to survive"
I dont rly get it.. and havnt read fully what its about.. but will there be zombie bots? (like nazizombies)
jeg tror det er ligesom zombiemod i CS, hvor det ene hold er zombier som har mere liv og kun kan bruge melee/kniv og de andre kan bruge alle våben :p og så er det team deathmatch eller noget i den stil men de vil få nogle rigtig nice models ind så det ikke ligner ET så meget men det bliver fedt :p
ahhh oke lyder nice... elsker bar at smadre bots i nazizombies :D så havde håbet på det blev noget alla det... men ska helt sikkert prøve det... ! hvaaaaa vi mangler 1-2 ska du ikk lige være aktiv i et sun man + 1 dage mere ? :DDd:Dd.D
haha ja jeg ser sgu også frem til det :D kunne blive fedt nok ! og jeg ved sgu ikke helt, jeg spiller stadig lidt med synergy og jeg kan ikke spille søndag/tirsdag/onsdag som det ser ud lige nu :<
:(! oke dude men jahh får du tid eller er du på irc så spam:)
hehe okay ^^ jeg sidder næsten altid på crossfire og skal nok være mere på irc så kan du/i bare skrive hvis i mangler en der lige skal booste jer lidt (xD)
wait, short question: it is something like left4dead?

EDIT: .Players will now move slower dependant on their health. <--- don't like it
Will add a server cvar so admins can disable... it's not as bad as you think. It's only if you want to play realisticly, it doesn't affect trickjump movement ;).
:D zombie mod just like in cod:waw or in black ops :D
is this working with ETXreal?
e: and again, i can help you guys with mapping :P
Will it be like infection type of game or more like Killing Floor/L4D. Can Zombies gib dead Allies? What will be the differents between medic and fops weapon wise (guessing fops>medic)? Will be Zombies faster or slower than Allies?
It would be really cool if medic has an option for a medicgun but dunno if it's possible (bullets increasing health). :D
For now the Zombies will kill Humans, the Humans have 3 lives each and once run out go to Zombie team... I'm not too sure on that as would it be best to have 1 starting zombie and the rest as Humans? The Zombies have around 5000HP :P.

And about speed, Zombies are faster ;).

That's actually a really good idea, I'll check to see if my coding skills could handle that ;P.
So the only objective is to survive untill the map ends, right?
Imho it really depands on how many players will be in one game. I doubt that 1 zombie wouldl kill someone if there will be 20 camping Allies soldiers, especially if Allies have 3 lives each. Maybe pistol round will do but still think it will be unbalanced.
Nope, it'll depend on the map tbh.

Right, I'll try explain it as best as I can....

Right... Humans have been dropped off at the 'Zombie Hospital' in which they need to establish a connection to the other transmitter across the other side of town. There will be 3 transmitters in which the Technicians have to construct. Each one of these transmitters take 2-3 mins to construct.

There would be 1 inside the ground floor of the hospital, and to construct this they obviously need the Technician. The technician will have UNLIMITED charge bar, and will have to construct the main door to the hospital first to stop the zombies and delay them. Once he has constructed the first transmitter move up inside the hospital to around 5 floors and construct that transmitter, obviously blocking the stairs and relying on the others to support him whilst he constructs/repairs these items.

Once that's constructed the door in the basement will open, but the Humans have to make it down stairs to get to this door of course. Pushing these Zombies back won't be easy and require team work. Once they get down, they come back up into outside, where they have to fix the final radar to transmit the information to the other tower across the town. Going outside dangerous and requires specialist skills like arty, satchels, mines etc.. Once constructed they win the game... or if Zombies kill them all, the Zombies win...

Wow... sry for my derpiness, didn't followed the news that much lately :D. I had no idea about map objectives so thx for explanation. Now I'm really looking forward for this mod! It sounds so awesome! GJ
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