
the most important meal of the day
image: 1273834029-karhu24x33_88

how was your friday? did you have _9_ shots like kamz, the professional drinker?
my evening consisted of image: 1275905632-vergi40_50petsk, poker & rap battling (wtf)

today gonna drink myself nice, see a hockey game (KooKoo - Hokki 18.30 Kouvola, be there or be homo) & something, what you girls up to?

e: heading to Spede's Saloon to finish my breakfast
Breakfast, most important meal of the day image: Breakfast-Most-Important-Meal-of-The-Day
You are what you eat.
If a cannibal eats a vegetarian is he a vegetarian?
oow may gawd aristotel is finally resurrected
Nah, hes just trying to mix in a bit of vegetables into his usual dish
ahahahaha :D
Breakfast = coffee & gingerbread.

Accidentally drank more than I was supposed to, sung some karaoke with buddies and little bit after-party-thingies. Now at work, fresh as a daisy after 3h powernap.

Should take it seriously today, sauna / snow-castle-thingies / friends birthday-party etc.

May go to see Kärpät - Pelicans, friend has few tickets but I am not sure if it fits my schedule.
just woke up :|
About to heat up my dinner.
i partied hard coke n bitches, went home like at 6 in the morning, woke up at 9 to go to "medical first help" shit for my driving stuff, nobody was there, im half drunk/hangovered, just ate dno what to do sleep or play
sleep when you are dead
sleep is for the weak! :D
0,5l is 12,5 shots :D

That's the amount people in Estonia usually drink before going out to a club :D Couple of beers or ciders also, to get things started.
you crazy :D
I am not. Couple of my friends few years back went to Germany for a basketball camp.

5 German guys bought 0,5l vodka for the group of them. My 2 friends bought 0,7l each. And if we start drinking like in 6 o'clock, 0,7l is easy. Although it depends if we eat at the same time etc, but you could end up being too wasted like that.

And it's not about the men only. Girls usually take 0,5l vodka or 0,5l rum for two of them, so 0,25l per face. And even that is too much in Europe mostly :D

Lately my routine has been that i go to a shop, buy vodka just before 22.00( than alcohol isnt sold anymore), i drink it until 23 and go to a club :D
11st klubisse?
Haapsalus on sedasi, et 11-11.30 saab mingi poole hinnaga vms. Ma ei viitsinud kirjutada, et ma Tartus olles lähen 12-1 vahel alles.
I normally drink 0,7l vodka every weekend before hitting dem clubs.
One night drank 3 bottles, never manage to get me inside the clubs, passed out into the street and woke up from the police station. good times :')
Got couple of friends like you :D Who cant get it because they are too drunk always :D
One day you'll realise not to be proud about that...
I am not proud of that amount. I dont drink as much as other people my age drink.
you so crazy with so carzy mates :D
I drink quite decently compared to other people my age. So we arent that crazy really.
0,7l vodka you so crazy man!
I drink 0,5l. Not 0,7l. I just said it's easily doable if you start early.
viru valge

I drink Laua Viin.
big difference bro

no offence but i can't drink thouse 2 at all :(
Well, Laua Viin is the best Estonian vodka. And I cba to buy Russian or other vodkas :)
0,3 beer lol noob
pancakes, fucking delicious pancakes.

To talk about how cool I was last night aswell I had not 3 not 4 but 5 whole beers(bears for the Finns) you might already think man this dude is a badass well prepare what comes next it weren't 0.2 L glasses It where 0,33L Bottles!

By the way rap battle? seriously?
I froze quite a few times, I dont usually do nigger shit. few mates of mine do and Im pretty "wtf, lets go - what ever"-guy so NP for me
Well.. I have just eaten some doritos with some salsa on it.. :/ Yesterday i didnt do much cuz of my work and some university stuffs but i'll change it tonight, party hard biiiiitches :D

But first of all, i'm going to watch Target and I hope it's a good movie.. At least, entertaining.

image: gifpal10
ahw, you guys look so cute, makes me happy and a bit jealous :{
hihi thank you mateee :D
told u, such a hot gf :D
btw; going to that LAN?
Not sure atm, it depends of my exams schedule ;) U ?
not playing ET, so only going if i know enough people that are going :p
jaloerse jongen :DD wat ben je toch zielig
grapje jongen :D
word je al moe van me =p
nee, want ik ben niet kapot te krijgen
dan gaan we nog even door :) wat denk je morgen gaan ze over de 10-0?
ik ben allang blij als ze die 3 punten pakken, want als ze zo spelen als tegen Groningen wordt t niks x[
ze verdient beter dan die dogface
Breakfast = tea and jam sandwiches :Pp

Today busy cleaning the house, shopping and probably nothing much else.

QuoteToday busy cleaning the house, shopping and probably nothing much else.

Welsh men seem to be very much in contact with their feminine side :p
croissant with jam + coffee

a bit disappointed about myself.. should have been weight gainer + fullcorn bread & ham :/
Rice, curry sauce, chicken breast
didn't ate anything since yesterday 06:30 :/
I played HoN with an irl mate and drank rum with milk bc i ran out of cola :SSSS
my gf slept at my house and we had a nice time with some Jack Daniels :P now iam eating something and Germany sTOWNAGE is coming to visit me at 16cet, gonna chill with him and gf gonna visit meh again in the later day

pretty much normal weekend :)
Need to shop for toiletpaper in the afternoon.
Appartment party later tonight with some France chicks and Brazil boys.
men in blac women
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