subakk failed?

match on 16 tzac accounts :D
image: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XDimage: cheater:XD
i bet "" has couple more hackers. 25% of members suspended in CB
canceled on gtv - edited on CB - ban to life requested on CB
the ban was already requested in the middle of the night, you're so slow
dont say shit if u dont have acces to private admin forum, thx
I have access to IRC, that's quite enough

and I like your comment very much
Parent pow3r!
Quote(19:18:39) ‹Jerooo› co mam zrobic zeby sobie zalatwic to bnc :D? Ty nie moglbys jednego poswiecic :D ladnie prosze
(19:19:04) ‹cwG`bytheway› nie bo mam dziwne wrazenie ze dostales ost bana 8D
(19:20:00) ‹Jerooo›

<sukces> ;'D
Goku told you to speck him - hehehe
Polandzaba trying to earn his red triangle off?
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