What is your excuse?

This guy is born in 1995. He makes music like this.

All you producers out there, what is your excuse?
nice, very influenced by Feed Me AKA Spor
true but better than stuff feed me has made lately!
excuse for what
For not being as awesome.
i don't even like it
17 years old, nothing special.
I don't want to make music that anyone can make, like this shit, which is considered standard these days.

Take a look on what Jeff Mills produced and how he DJs. That should be the standard. Not this fruityloop sync shit :)

E: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THgeFErZI_4
fruityloop sync shit
...wait, what?
frootyloops, sync shit

producers, djs
your talking crap, you cant make this :D
i make this every day on the toilet :)
My excuse? Because I don't make shit :D
very nice
Anyone who has ever played any instrument guitar, piano etc there are 8 year-old kids in China who beat you at anything you can think of. Depressing isn't it.

my point being, china will rule the earth soon
actually, they already do. They're investing in every fucking countries in the world and are taking over the African continent.
expected hardcore gym journal, still waiting for ati_ to come in.
Your GBooky capital is below 100€ you recieved 10€ extra money. Good luck with it
I know how I suck at betting that's just because I like to take the risk and love the feeling of winning an insane bet more then having ton's of e-money.
My gbooky capital is -290€, don't ask, I don't know.
winning money on match #1 -> betting that money on match #2 -> match #1 results get changed. Was the only thing I could come up with.
i can make very nice sounds and i know it, but my excuse is a bad hardware - workin on it.
Dj France Good excuse ? :D
what is your excuse to be a low shit fat fuck wanna be rapper justin bieber estonian?
I don't need an excuse since I'm none of the above. What's your excuse to be an utter fucking idiot?
what s your excuse to be a low shit fuck wanna be rapper justin bieber estonian?and fat as well
considering that he is ten times the person you are, I'm not even going to bother finding words that would describe you, if you truly think that your words about him are true..
u assuming a guy is 10 times more...what than another guy?

first u would have to know extremely well both guys that u talkin about,and for that takes years to know a person.second ,judging here only on what we all type/say the judgement we make on each other is i must admit many times frustrating to read.he insults me,i insult him we going no where that s true.and yet one thing is certain:we are different,how ever i dont know which one is 10 times or 100 times more or less smt than the other.
good valid points there, judging by the "facts" you pointed out about him, I can see that you know him for years right? and for the love of walle, learn to type man..
no i don t.i just answer him same way he answered me since day 1 i came .now u understand ,and wtf are u his advocate?
Just gtfo already, you are a little dipshit who can't achieve anything in life. Now sit behind your desk already and wipe the tears of that pigface of yours.
very nice insult.untrue according to reality but nice as literar comment.
Quoteuntrue according to reality

Would also say that if I were in your shoes.
the simple thing that i argue with a teenager is plain stupid for me,perhaps my biggest mistake to even fuckin care of what u saying
It seems you think you are mature by the fact that you are a 31 year old skinny fag.
u are wrong about almost every aspect except being mature ,at least much more than u are now.i m 32.and how u know i m skinny and fag?have u ever saw me ,or saw me doing sex with another man?

evrything u write is simple shit,simple person attack and u amuse me terrible with your insanity
Why are you still replying? Thought you were higher in society then me and couldn't be bothered to reply to a silly teenager. Seems you are indeed immature. Thanks, you just made my day.

And the fact that you enter a false age isn't my mistake.
Here's their excuse: they're probably less talented or don't know how to appeal to the masses as well as this kid does. Or haven't put in as much work into their tracks. Also, would it matter if the kid was 25 instead of 16/17?
mozart was like 3 or 4 when he wrote first musical piece.and he comes with this shit dubstep lol
This isn't dubstep. Mozart was a talent. This guy is only 17, he hasn't had a lot of experience yet his tracks sound better than most people who have been in that scene for their entire life. What part still misleads you to think you actually know something?
sounds better for you man.if u want to be a musician criticer u should be well documented in all music types and know a lot about music history which u don t .what u posted u found it amazing i can respect that how ever the guy dont have to be a genius just cause u like it.don t be so excited,i can show u what for me can be 10 times (10 times like mant said) more fascinating than what u showed here,and perhaps even younger than your hero here
This sounds a bit like that other song, wait which one was it... oh yes, everyone of them
this has happened to me, fucking awkard moment :D:D
If this is music then music is shit , but thanks god this is only shit.
ema on sul pask
He ain't that young anymore I know Mord Fustang IRL. ;D
I heard much better music from 14 yo and I still don't care...
better create nothing than shit like this
Thats nothing compared to Bjornberg, If not mistaken he is also younger than madeon.

I'm just not talented enough. Good night. (Lazyness is also a problem D:)
Listen to this music made by an eight-year-old: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC6eQdeNOjU&feature=related
This kid finished the highest level of school in The Netherlands at the age of 13 and scored a few hits as a DJ.
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